jority of them, at their annual meeting at the time for holding
their levy court at the court-house in Chestertown, shall levy
by equal assessment on the assessable property within the said
county, a sum of money not exceeding forty cents on every
hundred pounds of assessable property, to be collected as other
county taxes, and paid to the justices of the levy court, or to
their order, and shall be applied towards straightening, amend-
ing and keeping in repair, the public roads in the said county ;
and the said justices, or a majority of them, shall have full
power and authority to appropriate the funds arising from the
said tax to the public roads in the said county, and shall appor-
tion the same in just proportions among all the public roads in
the said county, regarding the situation and quantity of labour
necessary for the improvement of such roads.
Levy court
to describe
and record
to be ap-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the justices of the levy
court for the county aforesaid, or a majority of them, when so
met together as aforesaid, shall be and they are hereby autho-
rized and required to describe, ascertain, and distinctly record
in a well bound book to be provided by them for that purpose,
the several and respective public roads in the said county, and
to nominate and appoint, by warrant under the hand of the
clerk and seal of his office, capable and proper persons as su-
pervisors of the several and respective roads aforesaid, accord-
ing to the number and divisions of the said roads, as the same
shall be ascertained upon their records ; and that the said jus-
tices, or majority of them, may adjourn from day to day until
the said roads shall be duly ascertained, and supervisors ap-
pointed as aforesaid ; and every supervisor so appointed shall
give bond to the state of Maryland, with such security as shall
be approved of by the said justices, in such sum or penalty as
the said justices shall require, for the performance of his duty.
how to be
SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That if any supervisor, to be
appointed in virtue of this act, shall refuse to act, or remove
out of the district, become disqualified, or die, it shall and may
be lawful for any two of the neighbouring justices of the peace
to supply every vacancy so happening, by the appointment of
another person, who shall give bond as aforesaid, with such
security, and in such penalty, as shall be approved of by the
aforesaid justices of the peace, and they shall certify every such
appointment, under their hands, to the clerk of the county, who
shall record the same, and within ten days thereafter shall issue
a warrant to the person so appointed, and deliver the same to the
sheriff, to be served upon the party in the same manner, and
under the same penalty, as directed in such case by this act.
Court to
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the justices of the levy court
shall, at their annual meeting under this act, for the regulation