of the conduct of the supervisors, fix and establish reasonable
rates for the hire of labourers, horses, carts or other carriages,
to be worked or used on the public roads of the said county,
and shall publish the same in every hundred of the said county ;
and each of the Supervisors are hereby authorized and empow-
ered to hire and employ, if necessary, at reasonable wages, not
exceeding such wages as shall be established under the regu-
lation before iecited, a sufficient number of labourers to work
on the public roads, and to hire and employ horses, carts or
other convenient carriages, for the purpose of carrying earth,
gravel, stones, timber, or other heavy articles necessary for
making, amending and keeping in repair, the said roads,
bridges and causeways.
rates for
hire of
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the justices of the levy
court shall, at every such meeting, make out distinct lists of all
(ho taxable inhabitants within the said county, together with
the amount of their road taxes, and furnish the collector of the
County with copies thereof within ten days after their meeting ;
and the said collector shall leave with every such taxable an
account of his said road tax, within sixty days thereafter,
tinder the penalty of one dollar for every such omission.
Lists of
taxable in-
habitants to
bo made.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted. That when the said justices
shall meet in session at their levy court, they, or a majority of
them, shall, on application in writing, signed by two-thirds of
the inhabitants of any hundred through which any roads pass, to
Widen and straighten any old road laid out as a public road, ap-
point three discreet persons, freeholders in the said county, as
commissioners, not holding any part of the lands through which
the said road or roads may pass, nor related to the person or
persons holding the land that may be affected by the running
of the said roads, to view, survey and plot, the said road so ap-
plied for, and make return thereof to the said court at their
next meeting, who, on receiving such plot or plots, shall ex-
amine the same, and all the evidence that shall or may be of-
fered for or against the said road or roads, as returned, and may
reject or confirm the same as a public road, or may direct the
said commissioners to alter and amend the said plot, and when
so amended, may reject or confirm the same, and when con-
firmed, shall accordingly direct the commissioners to mark and
bound the said road or roads, not exceeding thirty feet in width,
clear of ditches, and direct a supervisor or supervisors to clear
and improve the same, in the same manner, and on the same
terms, as other roads, and upon completing the same, it shall
be deemed a public road, and be kept in repair as all other
public roads in said county are by this law directed ; Provided,
that notice be set up in writing, by advertisement, at least three
weeks, in the must public places in such hundred or hundreds,
On Applica-
tion to
widen road,
sioners to
be appoint-