$3085 94
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That of the sum of three thousand and eighty-live dollars and
ninety-four cents, drawn as aforesaid, by the orphans court in
August last, there shall be apportioned, by the said court, six
hundred and fifty-five dollars ($655) to Hall's cross roads dis-
trict ; six hundred and fifty-live dollars ($655) tu Del-Air dis-
trict; six hundred and thirty dollars ($630) to Marshall's
district; six hundred and thirty dollars ($(630) to Dublin dis-
trict ; and four hundred and fifteen dollars and ninety-four
cents ($415 01) to Abingdon district.
8. commis
sionsers to
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That the school commissioners
elected in said county at the general election held in October
last, be and they are hereby empowered and required to meet
as soon as convenient, after the passage of this act, iti their re-
spective districts, at the usual places of holding the polls, and
to teachers.
then and there proceed to distribute among the several teachers
who were or might or should have been entitled, on the last
day of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, to receive or
have any portion of the same, the sums allotted as above men-
tioned to the said districts respectively; which distribution
By drafts.
shall be by drafts on the orphans court, in the manner pointed
out in the act to which this is a supplement, and any draft to
which a teacher might in person be entitled, may be issued by
the said school commissioners to, or in favour of any person or
persons whom such teacher may have in writing, empowered
or authorized to receive the same.
If surplus is
SKC. 3. And be it enacted, That if, under the restriction
heretofore prescribed in the original act, with respect to the
highest amount distributable to any one teacher, it shall be
found that a surplus would be left by restricting and limiting
the distribution to those persons only who shall have kept
school within the six months immediately preceding the said
last day of July, or during some part of the said period, then
and in that case the distribution to be made as aforesaid shall
Six months
not be confined to schools kept within the said six months, but
may be extended and applied to all teachers who shall have
kept school in such ejection district at any time within twelve
mouths next preceding the last day of July aforesaid.
Not re-
quired to
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That no teacher shall be re-
quired to refund any money which such teacher may have re-
ceived from any school commissioner, acting under the school
law that existed before the passage of the act to which this is
a supplement.
If distribu-
tion bo not
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That if from any cause, the
school commissioners of any district aforesaid, should not com-
plete the distribution of the school money for their district, at
the time appointed therefor by law, they or a majority of the