commissioners present as aforesaid, may adjourn from time to
time, and in such case they shall give notice to the absent
members, of the time which shall have been fixed for their
meeting agaiin, until the distribution to be made by the said
school commissioners shall have been completed ; but no school
commissioner shall be entitled to receive or demand, as com-
pensation for his attendance as such, per diem for more than
two days in any one year.
tion limited.
SEC. 6. And be if enacrt, That every person who may
have heretoforc, as a commissioner of the school fund, under
any former law, received any portion of money of the said
county's proportion of school funds, and who shall not yot have
fully and lawfully applied the same to the purpose for which
it was received ami finally accounted therefor with the or-
phans court of snicl county, shall forthwith account therefor to
sioners who
have re:
ceived shall
account for
the said court ; and at the s time pay over to the said
court the balance thereof, if any, which shall be remain-
ing in the hands of such person ; and every such balance
shall, by the said court be appropriated to that election district
towards which it was originally designed to be applied, nnd
shall lie subject to the drafts of the school commissioners of such
district; and in like manner, every portion whatever of school
funds remaining in the hands of, or under the control of said
orphans court, heretofore appropriated, or that was designed so
to ho, towards any election district in said county, but which
has not t been distributed and applied in the said district ac-
rording to law, shall bo subject to the drafts of the school com-
tion direct
missioners of such district ; and it is hereby made to he the
fluty of the judges of said orphans court to give notice, without
delay, to the school commissioners each districts, of the sums
or amount of money, from time to time hold by the said court,
subject to be drawn for by the said school commissioners, nnd
tho paid balances and arrears as aforesaid, may he distributed
by the said commissioners, by moans of their drafts as aforesaid,
with reference to services performed by teachers, cither before
or since the last day of July herein before mentioned, or partly
in each way, as to the said commissioners may seem proper.
Notce to
be given of
amount an
bo drawn.
SEC. 7. And. be it enacted, That in case of the death or re-
signation of, any school commissioner, or of his refusal or neglect
to perform his duly as such, or in case of his removal out of
tlio district for which ho was elected or chosen, the remaining
school commissioners for the same district, or a majority of
them, shall choose some other person, resident in such district,
to fill his place; and shall give notice to the orphans court of
the; choice so made.
Case of
vacancies of
S. commis-
SEC. 8. And be it enacted , That whenever tho word teacher
occurs or is meant, in this act or in the net to which this is a