thereafter, shall apportion the sum of money levied as aforesaid
in such proportion as they shall think proper, and have such
sum expressed in the several warrants issued as aforesaid, and
no overseer shall be responsible or punishable for any neglect
of the said public roads, after expending such proportion as
expressed in his warrant; and the said overseers shall render
a true and perfect account, on oath or affirmation, of all persons
employed by him respectively to labour on the said public
roads, and of the wages allowed, and the number of days they
attended respectively in discharging of the said trust, and other
expenses ; and the said justices, or a majority of them present,
at their levy court aforesaid, having examined and approved of
the same, shall draw their order on the collector, requiring him
to settle and pay, by discount for public taxes or otherways,
(as the case may be,) to every person mentioned in such order,
the sum due him, and such collector shall be allowed such
order or orders in his settlement with the said court ; and if
any surplus shall remain of the assessment for the public roads
aforesaid, after allowing the account produced by the overseers
aforesaid for moneys by them expended, such remainder shall
be applied to the use of the county.
SEC. 9. Appoints commissioners to locale certain roads.
»Sr.c. 10, 11. 12, 13. Apply to particular roads.
the money
levied, &c.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the justices aforesaid may
and shnll, at their levy court annually, call on the collector for
the settlement of all moneys levied and assessed for the use of
the county aforesaid, and in case of neglect or refusal of the
said collector, immediately to commence suit for the recovery
thereof, in which no appeal or writ of error shall be had or
brought, nor more than one imparlance shall be allowed.
SEC. 15, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20. Apply to particular roads.
A SUPPLEMENT to on ACT, entitled, nn Act to straighten and amend the
Public Ilonds in Ilarford Counly, and for other purposes. — 1793, ch. 67.
,TuKtirf»ft to! on the
WHEREAS, the commissioners appointed by the act to which
this is a supplement, did not lay out, survey, mark and bound,
the several public *ioads in the said act mentioned, but left
many of the same incomplete, by reason of their powers ceas-
ing by law before they could effectuate the same ; And whereas,
olso a very considerable expense has been already incurred,
which expense will be totally lost unless relief be had in the
premises ; therefore,
SEC. 2. Applios to particular roads.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted^ That the overseers of the roads,
hereafter to be appointed in said county, shall have power to
draw orders on the collector of said county in favour of those
persons who may work on the roads in their respective cli»-
to draw
order*, fee.