favour of the owner or owners upon the said collector, who
shall pay the same out of the money by him collected in
virtue of this act.
to be made
out, &c.
SEC. 5. And be if enacted, That the said warrants shall be
made out by the clerk of the said court, and by him delivered
to the sheriff of the county within ten days after the said war-
rant shall be ordered by the said court, and shall be delivered
by the said sheriff to whom the same is directed, within ten
days after the said sheriff's receipt thereof, under the penalty
of thirty shillings for each warrant not delivered by the clerk,
and the like sum for each warrant received and not delivered
as aforesaid by the said sheriff, to be recovered before a single
magistrate, as in case of small debts out of court, and applied
towards clearing and amending the public roads, bridges and
causeways, aforesaid.
Penalty on
fur neglect,
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That if any of the said overseers
shall not well and sufficiently clear and amend the said public
roads within his proper districts, of not less than the breadth
of two rod, nor more than three rod, within a reasonable time
after the same shall be out of repair, or shall not straighten the
said public roads as marked and bounded by the commissioners
hereafter appointed and empowered, when directed, or shall
permit or suffer any fallen tree, ov other obstruction within his
power to remove, to lie in or be across any of the said public
roads, whereby any wagon, cart or other carriage may be ob-
structed, for the space of five days together, he having notice
thereof, or shall neglect to fall, or cause to be fallen, all dead
trees on each side of the said public roads whose limbs hang
over the said road, and may, by their falling, injure travellers,
or shall suffer any of the bridges or causeways in his said
district to be out of repair, or in any other manner fail in the
performance of the duty of overseer of the public roads, after
having accepted such office, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of
thirty shillings current money for every offence, to be reco-
vered and applied as aforesaid.
to give
notice, kc.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the said overseers shall and
they are hereby required, before they begin to straighten,
amend or repair, any road within their several and respective
districts, or to make or repair any bridge or causeway, to give
at least ten days notice of their intention to the inhabitants of
their districts, by advertisement set up at the most convenient,
public, and frequented places in such district, in order that the
said inhabitants may have an opportunity of hiring labourers to
the said overseer, or labour themselves in and upon the said
roads, bridges or causeways ; and each overseer shall be enti-
tled to six shillings per day for each day he shall attend.
Justices to
SEC. 8. Ami be it enacted, That the said justices, at their
said meeting in March, and at their levy court in every year