as the said levy court may deem sufficient, to defray the ex-
penses which have been or may be incurred by the attendance
of juryman at Harford county court during the years eighteen
hundred and twenty-seven and eighteen hundred and twenty-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
said levy court to levy as aforesaid, in the year eighteen hun-
dred and twenty-eight, and annually thereafter, such sum of
money as they may deem sufficient to pay the expenses which
may be annually incurred by the attendance of jurymen at
Harford county court.
Levy to be
made an-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That the sum or sums of money
directed to be levied by this act, shall be collected by the col-
lectors of Harford county as other county charges are now
collected, and shall be accounted for by them as herein after
To be col-
lected as
other coun-
ty charges.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
collectors of the different election districts, to pay to the jury-
men of said districts, immediately after the termination of each
and every court, such sum of money as they may severally be
entitled to receive for their attendance at said court as jurors.
to pay
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That a certificate, signed by the
clerk of the county court, expressing the number of days
which any juryman may have attended said court, and the sum
due to him for such attendance, including the mileage now
allowed by law, shall be a sufficient authority to the said col-
lectors to pay the amount so specified in the said certificate.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said collectors shall an-
nually settle their accounts with the said levy court for the
moneys which they may have collected under the provisions of
this act, and pay over to the said levy court any surplus re-
maining in their hands, which surplus, if any, shall he applied
to county uses.
to settle
with levy
1810, ch. 31, repealed by 1824, ch. 53, ante page 803.
AN ACT for the relief of the Poor in Montgomery and Harford Counties.
November, 1787. ch. 10.
WHEREAS, the necessity, number and continual increase of
the poor within the said counties, is very great and burthen-
some, which might be greatly lessened by a due regulation and
employment of them; therefore,
SEC 2. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, .
That there shall be alms and work-houses erected and built in
Montgomery and Harford counties, at a convenient place there-
Alms and
houses to he
erected &c.