in, at the general charge and expense of the said counties re-
spectively ; and that the justices of the said counties respec-
tively for the time being shall and they are hereby authorized
and empowered to assess and levy, in equal proportion on the
property within their respective counties liable to assessment,
at their next March courts, the sum of three hundred pounds
current money, and the like sum at the time of laying their
county rate in each of the years seventeen hundred and eighty-
nine, and seventeen hundred and ninety, together with the col-
lector's commission of five per cent, thereon for collecting ;
which said rate or assessment, so as aforesaid to be laid and
levied, shall be collected by the collector of said counties re-
spectively, in the same manner, and at the same time, as the
county rate is collected ; and the said money, when so as afore-
said collected, shall be paid by the collector to such trustees
for the poor, or the major part of them, as are by this act ap-
pointed, who are hereby authorized and required to receive and
apply the same to the uses and purposes herein after directed.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That for the time being the
several persons hereafter named be and are hereby appointed
trustees of the poor within the said counties respectively, and
are empowered, with full and sufficient authority, to discharge
the several offices, duties and trusts reposed in and required of
them by this act; that is to say, Messieurs Richard Woolton,
William Oneale, Benjamin Mackel, Charles Perry, Charles
Beatty, Henry Brookes and Jeremiah Crabb, for Montgomery
county, and Messieurs Joseph Stiles, Daniel Tredway, James
Walker, William Smithson, Alexander Rigden, Jesse Jarrard
and Jacob Norris, for Harford county ; the which persons, or
the major part of them, in case of the death or absence of any,
are hereby required, with all convenient speed, to meet at such
place within their said counties respectively as to them shall
seem meet, to qualify themselves for the office of trustees for the
poor of their county, which they are to do by taking and sub-
scribing the several oaths (or affirmations) appointed by law to be
taken to the government, and subscribing a declaration of their
belief in the Christian religion, and ulso taking the following
oath, viz. 'I. A. B. do swear, or affirm, that I will duly and faith-
fully discharge the duties and trusts committed to me as a trus-
tee for the poor of Montgomery or Harford county, as the case
may be, by an act of the general assembly, entitled, an act for
the relief of the poor of Montgomery and Harford counties,
according to the best of my skill and knowledge ; so help me
God ;' the which oaths are to be administered by any of the
persons last named for the county to the person first named, or
in his absence to any one of the persons first named that shall
be there present, the which person being sworn as aforesaid,