hundred dollars and seventeen cents, to the building of school
houses in the several school districts in said county, be, and
the same is hereby rendered valid.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the levy court of Frederick
county, are hereby empowered and directed to pay over to said
board of inspectors of primary schools, that portion of the Fre-
derick county school fund, placed at interest by them, under
and by \irtue of the fouith section of the act of eighteen hun-
died and thiity-five, chapter seventy-two,* with all interest that
may have accrued, and now at their disposal under said act.
over di-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That all acts or parts of acts, in-
consistent with this, be, and the same are hereby icpealed.
* The reference is incorrect, supposed to relate to 1836, ch. 230.
A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act to provide for the Public
Instruction of Youth, so far as the same relates to Frederick County,
passed December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, chapter two
hundred and thirty.— 1838, ch. 239.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, Adam Lorentz,
Samuel Yaste and Peter Coblentz, trustees in the primary
school district, number ten, in Frederick county, and their
successois forotci, are authorized to icnt, build, or buy a
suitable school-house at any place within the bounds of the
corporation of Middletown, for the use of the primary school,
to rent,
build or
and upon presentation of a ceitificate to the inspectors, or to
any person or persons authorized to pay the school fund to the
trustees, that a suitable house has been provided for the purpose
On certifi-
of keeping a primary school, the trustees shall be entitled to
leceive the money due to said district number ten, in the same
manner as if the school-house had been bought or built.
Entitled to
draft for
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That if any money has been
withheld from the trustees, on account of not producing a satis-
factory title to the house in which the primary school has been
kept, that said money, or moneys, be forthwith paid to the
If withheld,
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the trustees of any of the
primary school districts of Frederick county, may in their dis-
cretion, rent any school-house in any of the said school dis-
tricts, for the purposes of a primary school ; Provided, that said
school-house shall be at the spot selected for the site of the
primary school-house, by a majority of the voters of said pri-
mary school district.