AN ACT relating to Poplar District, one of the Primary School Districts
in Frederick County.— 1838, ch. 166.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this general assembly, that
owing to obstacles, interposed by creeks and mountains, in the
school district called Poplar district number six, in Fiederick
county, it is found to be impracticable to fix upon a central
situation that will afford greater diffusion of the benefits in-
tended for said district by the school law* now in force in rela-
tion to said county ; therefore,
schools es-
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That instead of one school to be established in said Poplar dis-
trict number six, there may be two schools located in said dis-
One lo-
trict under the law aforesaid, one of which shall be kept at the
house now erected on a certain lot of giound heretofore con-
veyed by a certain Solomon Easterday to Jacob Johnson,
Christian Harshman and George Blessing, in trust for the pur-
pose of a school-house, and that it shall and may be lawful for
the above named trustees, and their successois in tiust, to
to draw
draw on the proper officers charged with the distriibuting of the
school fund distributable in said Poplar district number six, for
a portion of said fund, according to the proportion which the
number of scholars who shall receive instruction at said school-
house, shall bear to the whole number instructed under the
provisions of the law aforesaid, agreeably to the returns that
shall be made to the proper officer.
This act
subject to
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That this act shall not take effect,
unless at a general meeting or the duly qualified voters of said
Poplar district number six, to be held at such time and place as
shall be publicly notified for that purpose by the said school
trustees, of said distiict, the said voters shall, by a majority of
ballots, approve of this act, which approval shall be signified by
the words 'two schools,' written, or printed, on the ballots,
and the school trustees of said distiict, or a majority of them
who may be in attendance, then and there shall conduct said
election, and ascertain and declare the result, which result
To be cer-
shall be forthwith certified by said trustees as aforesaid, to the
county clerk of Frederick county, and in case this act shall be
approved and certified in the manner aforesaid, then, and from
thenceforth, shall be, and continue in force.
AN ACT in relation to the Frederick County School Fund. — 1838, ch 167.
Act of in-
confirmed •
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the act of the board of inspectors of primary schools, in
Frederick county, appropriating the sum of nine thousand six