school fund now in the hands of the treasurer, among the
several school districts, to be appropriated in the erection of
school-houses, the purchase of stationery, fuel, and so forth,
and that in case the said inspectors shall be satisfied that the
requisite number of school-houses have been erected, they
are hereby authorized to appropriate the said amount of levy
among the several school districts for the general put poses of
said schools.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the trustees of the several
school districts shall be elected in the manner provided in the
original act, and shall be charged with the duties imposed in
that act, and shall have the power of exercising discipline in
their respective schools by the expulsion of the refractory
pupil, or such other punishment as may be necessary to cor-
rect the evil.
Their du-
ties, powers
SEC. 9. And be it enacted) That the said trustees shall be
charged with the same duties, and shall be liable to the same
penalties as are imposed by the original act, except so far as
the same may be hereby repealed ; and the said trustees are
hereby authorized to receipt for all moneys received by them
from the inspectors, and shall apply the same as heiein before
provided, the moneys specially appropriated for the erection of
school-houses, the purchase of stationery, fuel, and so forth, to
the purposes specified, and the residue in the payment of
teachers and other general purposes of the schools, and make
report and returns in the mode and manner provided in the
original act, all the proceedings of said trustees to be subject
to the revision of the board of inspectors.
Charge for
tuition au-
SEC. 10. And be it enacted. That the said trustees be, and
they are hereby authotized in their discretion to charge each
pupil whose parent or estate, under the charge of a guardian,
may in the judgment of the trustees be enabled to pay the same,
the sum of twenty-five cents per month, the money arising
from which said charge to be used by the trustees for the
general purposes of the school, and to be by them accounted
for in their returns to the inspectors.
and clerk
Collector of
the county
to collect,
SEC. 11. And be it enacted. That the offices of clerk and
collector, provided for in the original act, be, and the same are
hereby abolished, and that the collector of the county be au-
thorized and required to collect the amount levied upon the
county, and pay the same when collected, over to the inspec-
tors of primary schools, to be by them applied in the manner
herein before mentioned.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the trustees aforesaid be,
and they are hereby authorized and empowered to contract for
and purchase any school-houses now built for the use of pri-
Use for
mary schools aforesaid ; and that they may permit any of the
said school-houses to be used for; public worship.