of the primary schools of Frederick county, the cash balance
now standing to the credit of the Frederick county school
fund, the dividends upon stocks now due, or hereafter to be-
come due, and the annual school fund arising from the tax on
banks now due or which may hereafter become due.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the levy court of Frederick
county be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to pay
over to the inspectors of the primary schools of Frederick
.county, the interest arising from the school fund invested
under the order of the levy court, now due, or which may
hereafter become due, and to adjust any balance due by the
county to the school funds, by payment of the principal and
interest due, and that the levy court be, and are hereby autho-
over from
levy court
rized to levy upon the assessable property of the county, such
amount as shall discharge the principal and interest of the
debt due by the county to the school fund.
Levy au-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That whenever the said inspectors
shall have qualified, and shall have laid off school districts, and
trustees and teachers shall be appointed in the manner directed
by the act of eighteen hundred and twenty- five, the said in-
spectors shall be, and they are hereby authorized, on the first
day of July in each and every year, to distribute the interest
upon the investments of the school fund, the annual school
fund of the county, and all other funds from whatsoever source
derived, being appropriated to the purposes of education,
among the school districts, in the manner provided in the act
to which this is a supplement.
tion of
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the levy court of Frederick
county shall annually levy upon the assessable property of the
county, the sum of five thousand dollars, to be paid over to
the inspectors of primary Schools of said county, to be appro-
priated in the manner herein after ditected ; and in case a
majority of the board of inspectors shall so determine, the levy
court are hereby authorized to increase the amount levied to
eight thousand dollars, which levy may be diminished or en-
tirely abolished, if in the judgment of the board of inspectors
the same is not required for the purposes of the original act
and this supplement; the levy court to be guided in levying
the amount or otherwise, by the order of the board of inspec-
tors, filed with the said levy court.
Or to
On order of
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the inspectors of the primary
schools shall annually distribute the amount of said levy re-
ceived from the county, among the several school districts of
Annual dis-
the county, to be used in the erection of school-houses, and in
the purchase of stationery, fuel, &c.; and the said inspectors
How used.
are hereby authorized, in case they deem it necessary, to dis-
tribute the present cash balance due the Frederick county
balance in