perty of said county, at the usual time of making the county
levy in the year eighteen hundred and twenty-six, such sum
of money as the said levy court may deem sufficient to defray
the expenses which have been or may be incurred by the at-
tendance of jurymen at Frederick county court during the
years eighteen hundred and twenty-six and eighteen hundred
and twenty-seven.
SEC. 2, And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
said levy court to levy as aforesaid in the year eighteen hun-
dred and twenty-seven, and annually thereafter such sum of
money as they may deem sufficient to pay the expenses which
may be annually incurred by the attendance of jurymen at
Frederick county court.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That the sum or sums of money
directed to be levied by this act, shall be collected by the col-
lector of Frederick county as other county charges are now
collected, and shall be accounted for by him, as herein after
collect and
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
said collector to pay to the jurymen of said county immediately
after the termination of each and every court, such sum of
money as they may severally be entitled to receive for their
attendance at said court as jurors.
Pay jury-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That a certificate signed by the
clerks of the county court expressing the number of days which
any juryman may have attended said court, and the sum due
to him for such attendance shall be a sufficient authority to the
said collector to pay the amount so specified in the said
SEC. G. And be it enacted, That the said collector shall
annually settle his account with the said levy court for the
moneys which he may have collected under the provisions of
this act, and pay over to the said levy court any surplus re-
maining in his hands, which surplus, if any, shall be applied (o
county uses.
1824, ch. 34; 1832, ch. 71, are merged in 1838, ch. 261.
AN ACT for the better payment of the members of the Levy Court of
Frederick County .—1834, ch. 103.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
each and every member of the levy court of Frederick county,
who shall reside more than five miles from the place of holding
said court, shall, in addition to the per diem allowed him by
law, be entitled an allowance of twelve and a half cents for
every mile exceeding the first five miles that his place of resi-