her session, eighteen hundred and six, chapter seventy-nine,
be and the same is hereby repealed, and that all the rest and
residue of said act shall be and remain in full force.
Fish dams,
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all fish dams or other de-
vices for catching fish hereafter to be made, and all other erec-
tions hereafter to be made in the river Monocacy, below
Kemp's, lately Davis' mill dam, in Frederick county, shall be
and they are hereby declared nuisances, and may by any per-
son or persons, be pulled down, prostrated and abated as such,
and the person or persons so erecting or creating such nui-
sance, shall be liable to indictment on information as in other
cases of nuisances,
AN ACT authorizing and requiring the erection of Indexes or Finger
Boards in the several Counties therein mentioned. — 1825, ch. 172.
See 'Allegany County,' title 'Finger Boards or Indexes,' ante page 1329.
AN ACT to ascertain the allowance to Jurymen and Witnesses of the
General Court, and the several Coumyand Orphans Courts in this State.
1797, ch.94.
This act was repealed by 1807, ch. 79, ante page 550, but Frederick
county was excepted from the repeal.
to county
court jury-
uuen, &c.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That there shall be allowed to
each grand and petit juryman attending the sevetal county
courts, and each petit juryman attending the orphans courts,
in this state, the sum of one dollar and fifty cents for each and
every day such grand and petit jurymen shall attend for the
discharge of his duty as such, to be allowed, assessed and
levied, in the several and respective counties of this state, in
the same manner as the allowances to jurymen have heretofore
been assessed and levied.
And to the
courts, &c<
SEC. G. And be it enacted, That there shall be allowed to
each witness attending the county or orphans courts of this
state the sum of one dollar for each and every day such wit-
ness shall attend for the discharge of his duty, besides itinerant
charges to be allowed to witnesses coining from other counties.
AN ACT for the better payment of Jurors in Frederick and Allegany
Counties.-— 1816, ch. 46.
See 'Allegany County,' title 'Jurors,* ante page 1330.
AN ACT to provide for the payment of Jurors in Frederick County. — 1825,
Levy di-
SEC. ]. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland^
That the levy court of Frederick courtly, be, and they are
hereby authorized and required to levy on the assessable pro-