dence shall be distant from the place of holding the said court,
to be allowed him in going to the said court ; to be levied,
collected and paid, in the same manner, and at the same time,
with his or their per diem allowance.
AN ACT to provide for electing the Justices of the Levy Court of Frederick
County, by the People— 1838, ch. 261.
Levy court
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Martin Eichelberger, Frederick Troxell, Solomon Forrost,
Thomas Springer, Jeremiah O. Morrison, William Lynch,
William Dudderar, Patrick O'Neill, Abel Russel, Daniel
Duvall and Elias Crutchley, the members of the present levy
court of Frederick county, be, and they are hereby continued
in office until the election of justices of the levy court as herein
after provided.
Three levy
court dis-
1st elect
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That Frederick county shall be
divided into three levy court districts, for the purpose of elect-
ing justices of the levy court for said county, that the first shall
be composed of Hauvers, Middletown, Petersville and Jeffer-
son districts, which shall elect three justices of the levy court;
2d elect
the second shall be composed of Buckeystown, Frederick, New
Market and Liberty districts, which shall elect four justices of
3d elect
the levy court ; and the third shall be composed of Woodsboro',
Creagerstown and Emmittsburg districts, which shall elect
three justices of the levy court.
tion of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That the voters in each levy court
district in said county, who shall be qualified to vote for dele-
gates to the general assembly, and shall have resided six
months in said levy court district in which they shall offer to
vote, shall be entitled to vote for as many persons in said dis-
trict, as justices of the levy court for said county, as herein
before assigned for such district, and the persons who shall re-
ceive the largest number of legal votes given in their levy court
district! according to the assessment aforesaid, of justices of said
court for the district aforesaid, shall be declared duly elected
justices of the levy court of Frederick county, for said levy
court district.
Oct. 1839.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That an election for justices of
the levy court of Frederick county, shall be held in the
several levy court districts of said county, on the first Wednes-
day of October, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, and annually
thereafter, at the usual places, in the same manner, according
to the. general election laws, and by the same judges who may
bold elections for delegates to the general assembly, and the
said judges holding said elections, shall, within three days after
said election, make returns as usual in other elections, to the
clerk of Frederick county court, to be by him recorded in his