SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
said overseers to apply all the money received by them in vir-
tue of the original act to which this is a further additional sup-
plement, in clearing, amending, improving and iepairing, the
seveial and respective roads aforesaid.
shall apply
money re-
ceived in
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said overseers shall once
every jear lender an account of all fines and forfeituies re-
ceived by them in virtue of the oiiginal act to which this is a
fuithei additional supplement, stating the full amount received,
and how applied in amending and repairing the several and
respective roads aforesaid, to the justices of the levy court,
upon oath or affirmation.
AN ACT to exempt the Servants of Overseers of the County Roads in
Dorchester County, from doing duty on said Roads. — 1823, ch. 51.
Repealed by 1826, ch. 10; re-enacted and revived by 1827, ch. 6.
To render
an annual
account of
fines and
WHEREAS, the oveiseers of the county loads for Dorchester
county, ate subject to a piesentment and fine for neglect of
duty, and are allowed no compensation for their services —
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and aftei the passage of this act, the servants of oveiseers
of the county roads for Dorchester county, be, and they are
hereby exempt from doing duty on the county roads for the
time being
AN ACT relating to the Public Roads in Somerset and Dorchester Counties.
1823, ch 73.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall and may be lawful for the levy court of Somerset
and Dorchester counties, upon petition to them by any person
or persons interested in opening, straightening or shutting up
a public load in such counties, and sufficiently describing in
the said petition the load to be opened, straightened or shut
up, to issue a commission to three commissioners, fteeholders
in such counties, and not interested, nor holding lands through
which the said load is pioposcd to be opened, sttaightcned or
shut up, authorizing and requiring the said commissioners or
any two of them, to meet an the premises, and examine and
determine whether the public convenience requires that the
said road should be opened, straightened, or shut up, the said
commissioners, or a majority of them, shall in case the applica-
tion shall be for opening or straightening a road, proceed to
locate the same, in such manner as will in their judgment best
promote the public convenience, and they shall cause a plot of
the same, and also of the old road, where the application shall
be to straighten or shut up a road, to be made out, and shall
return the same, together with a full report of their proceed
Levy court
their duties,