payment to
of days which any juryman may have attended, and the sum
of money due to him for such attendance, shall be a sufficient
authority to the sheriffs or collectors of the said counties, le-
spectively, to pay the amount so specified in the said certificate.
AN ACT regulating the per diem allowance of the members of the Levy
Court of Charles County.— 1837, ch 134
Be it enactedy by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, the members of the levy
court of Charles county shall be entitled to the same pei diem
allowance as the justices of the orphans court in said county,
and that the same be levied, collected and paid in the manner
already provided for by law.
A SUPPLEMENT to the ACT, entitled, an Act to abolish the office of the
Commissioners of the Tax for Charles County — 1837, ch 264
Days of
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, it shall be the duty of the
clerk of the levy court for Charles county, to attend at the
court-house in said county, on each Monday and Tuesday, in
the months of March and April, in every year, for the purpose
of making changes and transfers of property, instead of the
days heretofore fixed by law.
1817, ch. 210, is modified as to Charles county, by 1821, ch 144
AN ACT to regulate the pay of the Justices of the Orphans Courts of the
several Counties therein named — 1821, ch 141
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, each justice of the oi-
phans court of Somerset, Charles, Saint Mary's, Dorchestet
and Talbot counties, be, and he is hereby entitled to teceive
in lieu of his present per diem, the sum of two dollais and
fifty cents for each day's attendance ; and that all such parts ol
any act or acts which are inconsistent herewith, be, and the
same are hereby repealed.
1820, ch. 200, ante page 1371, 'Anne Arundel County,' title 'Patrol '
See 1768, ch. 29, ante page 1372, 'Anne Arundel County/ title 'Poor '
1825, ch 150, repealed by 1835, ch. 307.
1826, ch 230, authorizes the sale of poor-house lot.
1828, ch. 203, authorizes the purchase of a lot and building a poor house.