AN ACT relating to Pensions by County Assessment.— 1835, ch. 307.
WHEREAS, much of the time of the legislature is occupied
in considering applications from indigent persons in the several
counties in this state, and in the passage of laws for their relief
which might be saved by vesting in the several levy courts or
boards of commissioners, as the case may be, in the several
counties, full power to receive such applications and grant the
necessary and appropriate relief; therefore,
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly qf Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act the levy courts or
county commissioners, as the case may be, of the several
counties in this state, shall have full power and authority to
Power of
levy court
or commis-
receive, and in their discretion to grant or reject applications
from indigent and distressed persons, within their several
counties, for pensions, and the several sums of money by them
so allowed to be made payable to the persons so applying, or to
some other person for the use of the individual so applying*
To grant to
and the same to be levied at their annual county levies on the
assessable property of their respective counties, to be collected
as the county charges are usually collected and paid over, as
may be directed by the said levy courts or county commis-
sioners ; Provided^ that the paid levy courts or county com-
To be
missioners shall in no case exceed the sum of thirty dollars for
any one year, in their allowance to any one person.
Limit $30.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said levy courts
or county commissioners, may and they are hereby authorized,
should the nature of the application in their opinion require
to pay im-
immediate relief, to pay any amount not exceeding thirty dol-
lars as aforesaid, from any unappropriated money in their hands,
immediately upon such application to such applicant, or to such
other person for their use as they the levy courts or county
commissioners in their judgment may deem best.
Limit (30.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That nothing contained in this act
shall be so construed to apply to Baltimore, Caroline, Queen
Anne's, Allegany, Cecil, Prince George's, Washington, Dor-
chester, Harford, Woicester, Anne Arundel, Calvert, Saint
Mary's and Somerset counties.
Apply to
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That an act of assembly, passed
at December session, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, chap-
ter one hundred and fifty, entitled, an act relative to out pen-
sions in Charles county, and all other acts inconsistent with the
provisions of this act, granting pensions by county assess-
ment to indigent persons in Charles, Montgomery, Frederick,
Talbot and Kent counties, be and the same are hereby re-