III case of
an insuffi-
ciency to
satisfy taxes
lands may
be sold.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if there should not be a suf-
ficient quantity of timber on said lands to satisfy the taxes due
as aforesaid, or which may hereafter become due upon said
lands, or if the collector shall not be enabled to effect a sale of
such timber to pay the taxes due, or which may hereafter be-
come due as aforesaid, then it may be lawful for the collector
or collectors as aforesaid, to sell any one tract or parcel of land
upon which the taxes may be due, having fust given the notice
required by the first section of this act, and further notice in
one newspaper published in the District of Columbia, of the
time and place of such sale, specifying the amount of tax clue,
the name, quantity and situation, of such tract or parcel of land,
and shall make icturn of such sale to the levy court of the
county at their next meeting, to be lecorded among their pro-
ceedings, which said sale and return shall vest a good and suf-
ficient title in the purchaser, of all the light, title and inteiest,
of the person owning said lands, in and to the same ; Provided,
that the owner or owners of such lands, so as afotcsaid sold,
shall be liberty to redeem the same, at any tune within
twelve months after such sale, by paying to the pui chaser or
put chasers the amount of the purchase money so paid by him
or them, with an interest of twenty per centum on the same
from the day of sale.
AN ACT to abolish the Office of Commissioners of the Tax for Charles
County.— 1830, th 25.
Levy court
to appoint
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the levy court of Charles county shall, at then first
meeting after the passage of this act, and annually thereafter at
their first meeting in each and every year, appoint some fit and
proper person as their clerk, other than the clerk of the county,
or legister of wills, who shall perform all the duties now per-
formed and discharged by the cleiks of the levy court and
commissioners of the tax respectively, who before he acts as
such, shall take an oath, to be administered by any member of
said court, faithfully and honestly to discharge the duties of
said office; which said clerk, after giving ten days antecedent
notice thereof at the court-house door, and other public places,
shall attend in the county town for at least twenty days before
the first Monday in May of the present year, and twenty days
before the first Monday in April annually thereafter, for the
purpose of making changes and taking transfers of property,
and shall report the same to the levy court at their first meet-
ing thereafter respectively.
To hear ap-
peals, &c.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said court shall immediately
after receiving such report, appoint some early day to hear