BouNDARiEs.—1695, ch. 13; 1748, ch. 14.
AN ACT for the re-valuation of the Real and Personal Property in Charles
County.— 1836, ch. 6.
See 1812, ch. 191, ante page 1631.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the levy court for Charles county, be, and they are hereby
authorized and empowered to meet at the county town of said
county, as soon as may be convenient after the passage of this
act, and there proceed to re-value and re-assess the real and
personal property of said county agreeably to the provisions of
an act, passed at November session, eighteen hundred and
twelve, entitled, an act for the valuation of real and personal
property in the several counties in this state, and the said levy
court are hereby authorized and empowered to carry into full
effect and operation within the said county, all the provisions
of the aforesaid act of eighteen hundred and twelve.
AN ACT to facilitate th*» Collection of Taxes due upon Lands in Charles
County belonging to Non-resident Proprietors. — 1826, ch. 170.
tion di-
SEC. 1. fifi it enacted^ by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the present, future, and former collectors of the tax for
Charles county, be, and they are hereby authorized and em-
powered, to sell and dispose of at public sale, having first
given thirty days notice, by public advertisement set up at the
court-house of said county, and at four other of the most public
places in the county, of the time and place of such sale, a suf-
ficient quantity of timber, growing on the land, suitable for
cord wood or fence rails, to satisfy and pay all taxes due, or
which may hereafter become due, on lands belonging to per-
sons who do not reside in said county, and the said collector,
at the time of such sale, shall give a certificate to the purchaser
or purchasers of such timber, of such sale, stating the quantity
and quality of such timber so sold, and shall also make return
to the levy court of the county at their hext meeting, which
return shall be recorded among their proceedings.
&c may be
sold for
taxes due
by non-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That any person or persons pur-
chasing any timber sold by virtue of this act, shall at any time
within twelve months from the day of sale, have full power
and authority to enter upon the lands upon which thfe timber
has been gold as aforesaid, and cut down and carry away the
quantity of timber purchased by him or them as aforesaid.
to take
away the