SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That each of the county commis-
sioners, whose residence is less than ten miles from the county
town, or place of meeting of said commissioners, shall receive
two dollars per day, for every day he shall necessarily attend
to the duties of his office ; and those whose place of residence
is ten or more miles from the county town or place of meeting
of said commissioners, shall be entitled to receive three dollars
per day, for every day he shall necessarily attend to the duttef
of his office.
tion to com-
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall and may, at any time, during each and every year, make,
complete and close their levy, any law to the contrary notwith-
standing ; and that all suits at law or in equity, which may be
pending at the time of the passage of this act, by or against the
former commissioners of Cecil county, shall be carried on in
like manner, and have the same legal effect, either in favour
of or against the commissioners provided for by this act, as
if such suit or suits had been instituted by or against the said
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the governor and council
are hereby authorized and required to appoint five sensible
and discreet men, residents of said county, to act as commis-
sioners for Cecil county, until commissioners shall be duly
elected and qualified according to the provisions of this act,
and that said commissioners when so appointed by the go-
vernor and council, shall take the oath of office as prescribed
in this act, and shall be vested and clothed with all and sin-
gular the powers and privileges conferred on commissioners
to be elected by this act; and that the said commissioners so
appointed, shall have power to demand and receive the books
ment of
sioners for
the time
being, au-
and papers relating to Cecil county, now in the possession of
the former commissioners, or any other person or persons, and
upon the refusal of the former commissioners, or any other per-
son or persons, in whose care or custody the said books may
be, to deliver the same to the commissioners so to be appointed
by this act, it shall and may be lawful for the county court of
Cecil, or any one of the judges thereof in vacation, and it is
hereby made obligatory upon said court, or either of its judges
in vacation, upon proof being offered, of demand made for said
books and papers, and a refusal or neglect of any person or
persons in whose possession the same or any part thereof may-
be, to deliver the same or any part thereof, (o the commission-
to demand
books and
ers to be appointed by this act, to issue an order requiring and
enjoining the same to be done immediately ; and upon the
neglect or refusal to obey the said order by any person or per-
sons to whom the same may be directed, to issue forthwith an
Penalty for
refusal to
attachment of contempt, and to fine said delinquent or delin-