quents such sum or sums as the said court, or judge in vaca-
tion, may deem reasonable and right.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That an act passed at December
session, eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, chapter one hun-
dred and forty -five, and the several supplements thereto, be,
and the same are hereby repealed.
A SUPPLEMENT to the ACT, entitled, an Act to provide for electing Com-
missioners for Cecil County, by districts, and prescribing their Duties
and Powers, and repealing an Act and its Supplements therein men-
tioned.— 1834, ch. 280.
WHEREAS, it is provided by the act to which this is a sup-
plement, that the clerk of the commissioners of Cecil county,
shall be entitled to receive as compensation for his services,
such sum annually as the said commissioners may direct, not
exceeding the sum of three hundred dollars; And whereas, it
was provided by the laws in force before the passage of this
act, to which this is a supplement, that all constables' bonds,
supervisors' bonds, or other instruments of writing, appertain-
ing to or immediately connected with the office of the said com-
missioners, should be recorded in the office of the clerk of the
commissioners, who should be entitled to the same fees, which
were allowed to the clerk of the county, for the same services,
which fees were to be paid, over and above the annual salary
allowed to the said clerk, by the said commissioners ; And
whereas, some doubts have arisen, whether by the act to which
this is a supplement, the said commissioners have power to
allow their clerk any fees for recording such bonds or other
instruments of writing, over and above the annual salary, not
exceeding the sum of three hundred dollars ; therefore,
Fee to be
allowed for
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
r That the said commissioners of Cecil county, shall allow to the
clerk, whom they may appoint or have appointed, by virtue of
this* act to which this is a supplement, in addition to such an-
nual sum, provided to be allowed to him, such fees for record-
ing constables' bonds, supervisors' bonds, and all other instru-
ments of writing, formerly recorded in the office of the clerk
of the county, appertaining to, or immediately connected with
the office of said commissioners, as were allowed to the clerk
af the county for the same services, to be levied, collected, and
paid over as other county charges are.
To late
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners of Cecil
county, shall allow to the representatives of John Kean, de-
ceased, the late clerk of said commissioners, such fees for
recording such bonds, and other instruments of writing dur-
ing the term of his office, as were formerly allowed to the
clerk of the county for the said services, to be levied, col-
lected, and paid as the other county charges are.