town of Westminster which they may select and be able to
procure for that purpose, and they are hereby authorized to
contract and agree at the county charge, for a convenient place
in the said town to hold their courts, and for a convenient
place in the said town for the keeping their books, papers and
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That each of the justices afore-
said shall receive an allowance of two dollars per diem for each
and every day he shall be present during the session of said
court, and in addition thereto shall be entitled to receive at
the rate of twelve and a half cents per mile, as often as each
of them shall attend the court, as itinerant compensation, for
every mile each of them may travel, coming from his place of
residence in the county to the town of Westminster, to attend
the business of said court.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the register of wills of
Carroll county, at each meeting of the orphans court, shall
make a memorandum in the minutes of said cotirt of the num-
ber of miles travelled by any justice of the orphans court as
aforesaid, at every court each of them shall attend from the
country, and the commissioners of the tax for Carroll county
shall at their annual levy of the county charges of Carroll
county, levy said itinerant compensation for the use of any
justice as aforesaid at the time of levying his per diem allow-
ance, which shall be collected and paid to said justices in the
same manner and at the same time that his per diem allowance
shall be collected and paid.
A further SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act relating to the People
of Colour in this State, passed at December session, eighteen hundred
and thirty-one, chapter two hundred and eighty-one, so far as the same
relates to Frederick County .—1838, ch. 269.
ing and
WHEREAS, by the erection of Carroll county out of parts of
Baltimore and Frederick counties, the assessable property of
Frederick county has been reduced; And whereas, by an act,
passed at December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-one,
chapter two hundred and eighty-one, the levy court of Frede-
rick county were required to levy upon the assessable pro-
perty of said county, nine hundred and forty-four dollars and
sixty-six cents, to carry into effect the provisions of the act,
entitled, an act relating to the people of colour in this state,
and it being just and right that the tax levied upon Frederick
county, for the purpose aforesaid, should be reduced in propor-
tion to the reduction of the assessable property of the county
by the erection of Carroll county aforesaid ; And whereas, the
levy court of Frederick county refused to levy for the year
eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, a larger sum than seven