any jurymen may have attended said court, in addition to the
itinerant charges allowed at the rate of twelve and a half cents
per mile, for every mile over five miles that the jurors may
have to travel to and from their residences respectively, shall
be sufficient authority to the collector to pay the amount so
specified in the said certificate.
$1 50 per
SEC. G. And be it enacted, That the per diem of each juror
shall be one dollar and fifty cents for each day they shall be in
attendance at said court, in addition to the itinerant allowance
above provided.
shall settle
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the collector shall annually
settle his account with the said commissioners for the moneys
which he may have collected under the provisions of this act,
and pay over to the said commissioners any surplus remaining
in his hands, which surplus, if any, shall be applied to county
AN ACT for the establishment of the Orphans Court of Carroll County.
1836, ch. 99.
three jus-
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the
council, shall appoint and commission three men of integrity
and judgment, residents of Carroll county, to be the justices of
the orphans court of said county, to be clothed with the same
powers, authority and jurisdiction, and in all things governed
by the laws which appertain generally to the orphans courts of
the other counties in the state.
Terms pre-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the regular terms of the
orphans court of Carroll county, shall be held on the second
Monday in every month of February, April, June, August,
October and December ; and the said court, if necessary for
the .despatch of business, shall by its adjournments be held on
the Monday of every week in the year other than the weeks
of the regular terms, and they are further hereby authorized
to adjourn their court from Monday in each week in the year,
if necessary for the despatch of business, to Tuesday in said
week, the three justices of the orphans court concurring in
such further adjournment, but in no case and under no circum-
stances whatever are they authorized or permitted hereby to
sit oftener than two days in any one week, except during the
session of the county court, when, if necessary, they may sit
during the whole term, and the said orphans court shall sit
from nine o'clock, A. M. until 3 o'clock, P. M.
Place of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That until the erection of a court-
house in said county, the said justices of the orphans court
may in their discretion hold their court in any house in the