SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That all process, mesne, final,
and other, shall be made returnable to, and on the first day of
the term or session of the court, in the same manner as it is
returnable to the courts of other counties of this state.
AN ACT to provide for the building of a Court-House, Clerk's Office,
Register's Office, Gaol, and Poor's house, in Carroll County.— 1836,
ch. 138.
Process re-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That until the erection of the
gaol aforesaid, and its completion, the commissioners of the tax
of Carroll county are hereby directed and required to contract
for and provide at the county charge, a suitable and substantial
building in or near the town of Westminster, to be used and
considered as the common gaol of said county to all intents
and purposes.
The residue of the act makes provision for building the same.
AN ACT to provide for the payment of Jurors in Carroll County. — 1837,
ch. 266.
Gaol mean-
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of the tax of Carroll county, be, and
are hereby authorized and required to levy on the assessable
property of said county, at the usual time of making the county
levy in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, such sum
of money as the said commissioners may deem sufficient to de-
fray the expenses which have been, or may be incurred by the
attendance of jurymen at Carroll county court dining the pre-
sent or previous years.
Levy di-
rected to
pay present
or previous
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of said
commissioners to levy, as aforesaid, in the year eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-eight, and annually thereafter, such sum of
money as they may deem sufficient to pay the expenses which
may be annually incurred by the attendance of jurymen at
Carroll county court.
Levy for
1838, and
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the sum or sums of money
directed to be levied by this act, shall be collected by the col-
lector of Carroll county as other county charges are now
collected, and shall be accounted for by him as herein after
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
said collector to pay to the jurymen of said county, immediately
after the termination of each and every court, such sum of
money as they may severally be. entitled to receive for their
attendance as jurymen at said court, and itinerant charges as
herein after fixed.
Payment to
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That a certificate, signed by the
clerk of the county court, showing the number of days which
Clerk 's cer-
tificate of
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