pairs of the public roads ; the opening of new roads, designat-
ing the several sums allowed to individuals for lands over
which roads shall have been laid out ; with such other items
as the said commissioners may judge will have a tendency to
convey general information concerning the various transactions
of the year.
1838, ch. 55, see 'Roads,' post.
1836, ch. 190, see 'Commissioners of Tax,' ante page 1820.
1836, ch. 93, see 'County Court,1 post.
AN ACT to provide for the meeting of the Court of Carroll County, and
for other purposes — 1836, ch. 93.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland*
That the judges of the third judicial district of this state, be, and
they are hereby required to meet at Westminster, in Carroll
county, and hold court for the transaction of business twice in
each and every year, one session of the court to commence upon
the first Monday of April, and the other session of the court to
commence on the first Monday of September, and that the first
session commence on the first Monday of April, eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-seven.
As to place.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That until the erection of a
court-house in said county, the said judges may in their dis-
cretion hold their court in any house in the town of West-
minster which they may select and be able to procure for that
purpose ; and they are hereby authorized to contract and agree
at the county charge for a convenient place in the said town to
hold their courts, and for a convenient place in the said town
for the keeping their books, papers and records.
of convey-
ances made
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That all conveyances of real pro-
perty in Carroll county, made and executed since the confir-
mation of the act establishing said county, shall be as good and
\valid to all intents and purposes whatever, if enrolled amongst
the records of said county within six months after the appoint-
ment of a clerk in said county, as if they had been enrolled
within six months from their execution and delivery ; and all
conveyances of personal property in said county required by
law to be recorded, shall be as good and valid, to all intents
and purposes whatever, if recorded among the said records
within twenty days from the appointment of a clerk for said
county, as if recorded within twenty days from their execution
and delivery.
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