visions of this act, for hands, horses, or ploughs, the said
master, owner, or overseer, shall be subject to a fine of double
the per diem allowance made by this act, for hands, horses or
ploughs, for each and every hand, horse or plough so re-
fused or neglected to be sent, to be recovered as other small
debts are, one-half for the use of the supervisor of the hun-
dred in which the said master, owner or overseer may reside,
and the other half for the use of the county.
AN ACT, entitled, an Act to repeal an Act to provide for the repairs of
the Public Roads in Calvert County, passed at December session,
eighteen hundred and thirty-two, chapter two hundred and twenty-
three —1833, ch. 31.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, the overseer of
each and every hundred in the county aforesaid, shall have
power to require the labour of all and singular, the able-
bodied male inhabitants residing in his hundred, above the
age of eighteen and under the age of fifty years, in such pro-
portions as the state of the roads may require, not exceeding
one-fourth of the hands in any one family at any one time, ex-
cept in families where there are less than four hands, giving
always at least two days notice to the person or persons so
requited to labour.
liable to
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That all and every person or per-
sons so called on, shall be and they are hereby required to
labour, or to provide a sufficient substitute to labour on the
public toads as aforesaid, not less than one day nor more than
two days in each and every year.
Extent of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That any person or persons who
shall refuse or neglect to labour, or to furnish a sufficient
substitute to labour on the public roads aforesaid, shall pay to
the overseer of his hundred, the sum of seventy-five cents, for
each and every day so refusing or neglecting, to be recovered
by the said overseer, by judgment of any justice of the peace of
said county, in the manner now provided by law, for the re-
covery of other small debts, and to be applied by the said over-
seer to the repairs of the aforesaid roads in his hundred.
Penalty for
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That each overseer of the public
roads to be appointed by virtue of this act, shall be allowed by
the commissioners aforesaid in full compensation for his services
the sum of sixteen dollars annually.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That in any case of any com-
plaint to the commissioners aforesaid, against any of the over-
seers of the public roads aforesaid, charging any one of the
said overseers with neglect or remissness in the execution of
his duty, the said commissioners shall forthwith inquire into
Remedy for
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