hundred as now laid out and known in said county, whose
duty it shall be, whenever requisite, to call upon all taxable
Who is au-
thorized to
call for
persons residing in the hundred of which he is a supervisor,
for hands, horses, and ploughs, specifying at least one week
in advance, the day upon which the said hands, horses, or
ploughs will be wanting, and the place where ; and the per-
son owning said hands, horses, or ploughs, shall be entitled to
the following sums, to wit : for each male above the age of
eighteen years, and under fifty, the sum of fifty cents per day;
for each male under the age of eighteen years, and for each
female, twenty-five cents per day ; and for each horse and
plough, fifty cents per day ; Provided however, that no person
shall be compelled, or be pet milted to send hands, horses, and
ploughs, or work upon any road after the amount due such
peison for hire of hands, horses or ploughs, shall amount to
the full sum of their county charges.
of hands
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That no supervisor shall woik
upon any road with a less number than four hands, or a gi eater
number than ten, and it shall be the duty of said supervisors
sors' report.
to make teturns semi-annually, under oath, to the said com-
missioners, in writing, the number of hands employed on each
particular day, specifying the sex and age, to whom belonging,
and also the number of horses and ploughs, and to whom be-
longing; and the said commissioners shall give to each and
for work.
every peison a certificate of such amount as may appeal from
the returns of the said supervisor, to be respectively due, and
To be re-
ceived in
the collector of tax of Calveit county shall receive said certi-
ficates in full or in part pay, as the case may be, fot county
for mate-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners are
hereby empowered to authorize the supervisor of any public
road in Calvert county, to contract for such wood, timber, or
other materials, as may be necessary to construct, or keep in
good repair, any such road, causeway, or bridge; Provided
however, that nothing in this act shall extend to, or affect any
cases where persons are compelled by law or contiact to keep
any bridge in lepair.
tion to
SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That no supervisor shall be pri-
vileged to receive pay for a greater number than ten days in
each year, and the said supervisor shall receive, for each day
that he may have worked upon said roads, provided said num-
ber of days does not exceed ten, the sum of not less than one,
or more than two dollars, at the disci etion of said commission-
ers' court.
Penalty for
neglect to
hands, &c.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That whenever any master,
owner, or overseer, shall neglect or refuse to comply with
the requisition made by any supervisor, agreeably to the pro-