SEC. 13. Provided also, That nothing in this act contained
shall be construed to prohibit any person, or his agent, clerk,
or other manager, to dispose of any strong or spirituous liquors
to tradesmen, labourers or others, hired or employed by such
person or his agent, clerk, or other manager.
SEC. 14. Annulled by 1828, ch. 95. |
Proviso. |
SEC. 15. Provided always, and be it enacted, That it shall
not be lawful for any licensed ordinary-keeper lo sell or dispose
of, after sunset, at the time and place of horse-racing aforesaid,
any such strong or spirituous liquors, or mixed drink, on pain
of forfeiting, for every such offence, eight hundred pounds of
SEC. 16. Superseded by 1827, ch. 117. |
Proviso. |
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That if any ordinary-keeper shall
harbour, entertain, or sell any liquor to, any indented apprentice,
or apprentice bound out by any county court of this state, or
any bought, indented or convicted servant, or any slave belong-
ing to or employed by any person or persons within this state,
without leave or licence in writing first had and obtained from
the respective master, mistress or owner of such apprentice,
servant or slave, such ordinary-keeper shall, for every such
offence, forfeit and pay one hundred and sixty pounds of tobacco
to the master or mistress of such apprentice, servant or slave, to
be recovered with costs, upon complaint of the said master or
mistress, before a justice of the county where such ordinary-
keeper lives.
SEC. 18. Repeals acts not in Kilty's compilation. |
Penalty for
&c. |
SEC. 19. And be it enacted, That in all cases where no diffe-
rent mode of recovery or application is appointed by this act,
all and every fine and forfeiture, imposed by this act, shall and
may be recovered, in any court of record, by action of debt,
bill of indictment, or information, with costs, by him, her or
them, who will sue or prosecute to effect for the same; and
that one-half of all fines and forfeitures, to be incurred for any
breach of this act, where the same is not otherwise given or
applied, shall be to him, her or them, who will sue or prosecute
to effect for the same, and the other half thereof shall be paid
to the sheriff of the county in which the recovery shall happen.
See 1832, ch. 273.
SEC. 20. Modified by 1795, ch. 74.
SEC. 21. Superseded 1827, ch. 117, sec. 6.
SEC. 3. Modified by 1795, ch. 74, sec. 3. |
How fines,
&c. are to
be recover-
ed, &c. |
SEC. 33. This act to continue for and during the space of
seven years, and to the end of the next session of assembly
which shall happen after the expiration of the said seven years.
Continued for seven years, &c. by November, 1787, ch. 38, which act,
so far as it continues this, is repealed by 1791, ch. 83, but by 1784, ch. 7,
21 |
Duration. |