section 5, the regulations, &c. in this act, (except such parts as relate to the
retailing of liquors by merchants or store-keepers, or at horse-races,) are
declared to be in full force for ever as to the granting licences on the eastern
shore, and a similar provision is made as to the western shore by 1784, ch.
37, section 22, (except as to the city of Annapolis.)
JUNE, 1780—CHAPTER 11.
An ACT to revive actions and process in the Court of Appeals, to enable
any one judge to adjourn the said court, and to direct the oath of the
judges in case of appeals from the Court of Chancery.
This law has ceased by the provisions of 1804, ch. 55, and 1805, ch. 65.
AN ACT relating to loans in specie, tenders for debts and contracts in
future, and the establishment of a bank for public purposes.
This act related to bills of credit issued by the continental congress.
AN ACT to enable the Sheriffs of this state to lake Bail Bonds in
certain cases. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS the sheriffs of this state have not heretofore been
empowered to take bail bonds of persons taken on criminal
writs, whereby much inconvenience is derived to the sheriffs,
much trouble to the civil magistrate, and much delay to the
administration of justice; |
may take
bail, &c. |
SEC. 2. Be it therefore enacted, by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the first day of April next, it
shall and may be lawful for all and every of the sheriffs of this
state, and their deputies, to take bail bonds of alt persons taken
by them on any criminal writ, for any offence less than felony,
with security, if the said sheriffs or their deputies shall think it
necessary; and that the said sheriffs and their deputies shall
be obliged, on serving any criminal writ as aforesaid, to take a
bail bond of the criminal, and his or her security, if security is
judged necessary as aforesaid, in a sum not exceeding one hun-
dred pounds, to be paid to the state of Maryland, conditioned,
that the said criminal shall appear in court on the day the said
writ is returnable, attend the court from day to day, and not
depart therefrom without leave of the said court; and in case
the said criminal shall not be considered by the sheriff or his
deputy sufficient for the sum aforesaid, and cannot find suffi-
cient security, to be approved of as aforesaid, that then the said
sheriff or his deputy shall take the said criminal before a ma-
gistrate to be dealt with agreeable to the law now in force ; and
that the said sheriff shall return the said bail bonds to the
court of his respective county, on the first day of the said court
to which the said writ is returnable. |