and provendor for six horses at least, under the penalty of eight
hundred pounds of tobacco. |
Proviso. |
SEC. 6. Provided always, That no person shall be admitted
to keep an ordinary, other than the master, principal, or head of
the house in which such ordinary shall be kept. |
houses, &c. |
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That if any ordinary-keeper shall
keep a disorderly house, upon complaint made thereof to the
justices of the county court, they are hereby authorized and
required to suppress such ordinary; and during the recess of
the court, upon complaint made to any two justices of the
peace, or upon their own observation of such misbehaviour,
contrary to the directions of this act, it shall be lawful for them
to suspend such ordinary-keeper, until the next county court,
who may hear and finally determine the matter, and either
entirely suppress or permit the continuance of such ordinary. |
Fine on
fcc. |
SEC. 8. And be it enacted. That if any person so suspended,
shall presume, during such suspension, to keep ordinary, such
person shall incur the same penalty and forfeiture as persons
keeping ordinary without license are subject to by this act. |
For keep-
ing ordina-
ry without
license, &c |
SEC. 9. And be it enacted. That if any keeper of an ordi-
nary which shall be so suppressed, or other person that shall
presume to keep ordinary, without license first obtained as
aforesaid, shall, for every month he or she shall so keep ordi-
nary, forfeit and pay one thousand pounds of tobacco, and so
proportionably for a longer or shorter time.
See 1832, ch. 273; 1834, ch. 232.
SEC. 10. Superseded by 1825, ch. 206. |
Not to sell
license, &c. |
SEC. 11. And be it enacted. That from and after the first of
July and September next, on the Eastern and Western Shores
respectively, any person whatsoever, not being licensed to keep
ordinary, who shall presume to sell any rum, brandy, cider or
other spirituous liquors, mixed or unmixed, and suffer any part
thereof to be drank in or about the house or plantation of such
person, or who shall sell any spirituous liquors, as aforesaid, at
or near the court-house of any county in this state, or at or
near the place of any muster or training of the militia, or on
board any vessel in this state, and suffer the same to be drank
in such vessel, except to sailors, or persons belonging to, or
employed to labour on board such vessel, such person so
offending, shall forfeit and pay six hundred pounds of tobacco
for every such offence. |
Proviso. |
SEC. 12. Provided always, That nothing in this act shall be
construed to prohibit any merchant, or person keeping store for
the sale of merchandise, from retailing liquors, so as such
liquors be not drank at the house, store or place, where the
same shall be sold.
This section is excepted out of the acts of 1784, ch. 7, and ch. 37, and is
not now in force. |