AN ACT for the speedy Trial of Misdemeanors in the City of Baltimore.
1835, ch. 75.
WHEREAS, it has been represented to this general assembly,
that owing to the great increase of business in Baltimore city
court, the judges thereof have found it expedient to hold weekly
sessions during the intervals of their regular terms, for hearing
cases that do not require the intervention of a grand jury, and
that it would be a saving of much expense to the city, as well
as afford relief to persons charged with the commission of small
offences, and also to witnesses who are mostly of the poorer
class of the community, if said persons so charged had the
option of having their cases also promptly decided without the
delay and expense attendant upon the present mode of prepar-
ing them for trial ; therefore,
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Baltimore city court, or either of the judges thereof, shall
to decide
causes for
have power and authority, without any previous presentment by
the grand jury, to hear and determine at the said weekly session
of said court, all complaints for assault and battery, for keeping
disorderly houses, for keeping houses of ill-fame, for violations
of the act, entitled, an act to regulate the issuing of licenses
to traders and keepers of ordinaries, passed at the session of
eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, chapter one hundred and
seventeen, and the supplements thereto, and for any other small
offence, for which no greater punishment than fine and impri-
sonment can be imposed, in the same manner and to the same
extent and effect, as the said court now do cases submitted to
them during the regular terms, after presentment by the grand
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
several justices of the peace within the said city, to make all
zance mado
recognizances taken by them respectively from any person or
persons charged with any of said offences, and also of the wit-
nesses, conditioned for their appearance at the then next suc-
ceeding day fixed by the said court for its weekly session, and
return the same without delay to the clerk of said court, to be
docketed and proceeded on under the direction of the court, and
shall also make their commitments of persons to jail, for trial
at the same time.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
Warden to
warden of the jail, to return to the clerk of said court, on the
day preceding its weekly session, a list of all persons confined
for offences of the aforegoing description, with copies of their
commitments, and list of any witnesses they may require to be
summoned in their defence.