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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
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chapter sixty-four, as they relate to the granting of licenses for


permission to keep billiard tables in the said city, shall be, and


the same are hereby transferred to the city court of Baltimore,


and that the clerk of the said city court shall be, and he hereby


is, empowered and authorized to grant a license to such person


or persons as may apply for a permission to keep a billiard table,


for which license there shall be paid the sum of one hundred


dollars, for the use of the state, and one dollar to the said clerk


for his own use.

Penalty for

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any person or persons keep-

table with-

ing or exhibiting for use a billiaid table or tables, without first

out license.

obtaining a license as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay the sum


of five hundred dollars, one-half to the informer, and the other


half to the state, to be recovered by indictment or action of


debt in the said city court, or the county court of Baltimore



Moneys re-

SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the clerk of the said city

ceived to
be trans-

court shall pay to the treasurer of the western shore, all moneys

mitted to

received under the provisions of this act, from time to time, as


the same may be received, and shall annually, on or before the


first day of May, transmit to the treasurer of the western shore a


list of all persons obtaining a license or licenses under this act.

Not to

SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That nothing herein contained

abate any

shall operate to abate or restrain any pending prosecution, nor


any such which may hereafter be instituted under the act of


December session, eighteen hundred and twenty-four, chapter


sixty-four, for a violation or violations thereof, but that the said


act, pro tanto, shall remain in force, and be proceeded under, to


the same extent and in the same manner as if this act had not




A further SUPPLEMENT to the ACT, entitled, an Act to provide for the


Administration of Justice in the case of Crimes and Misdemeanors in


the City and Precincts of Baltimore. — 1826, ch. 223.

Either of

SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,

the judges
to bold

That either of the judges of Baltimore city court, shall have

court, &c.

full power and authority to hold said court for the trial of


causes, except in cases where a jury is necessary, and to ad-


journ the same from time to time, in the same manner that the


chief judge of said court can now do.

May issue

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That either of the said judges

writs of

shall have full power and authority to issue writs of habeas


corpus, and to hear and determine the questions arising thereon,


in the same manner as the chief judge can now do, any law to


the contrary notwithstanding.



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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 1456   View pdf image (33K)
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