Case of
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That if any of the said accused
requiring a
jury trial.
shall signify to the court that he, she or they, prefer having a
jury trial, the court shall take bail for such as can give secu-
rity, to appear at the next regular term, or commit him or her to
jail for want of security, as the case may be, at which regular
term such proceedings shall be had, as in other criminal cases.
SEC. 5. And bo it enacted, That the prosecutor for the state,
and other officers of the court, bhall be entitled to the same fees
in such cases, as they would be entitled to charge if present-
ments had been found by a grand jury.
The states
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That U shall not be the duty of
may object
the said court to inquire into the facts charged in any indict-
ment, upon the plea of not guilty, if the attorney general or his
deputy should object to the same, but that in t»uch case a jury
Grand jury
shall be sworn ; Provided always, that nothing in this act shall
may present
be construed to restrain the grand Junes attending said court for
presenting and indicting for any of said offences that shall not
have been tned, or be remaining for trial before the said court,
at its weekly sessions, a list of which cases shall be furnished
them by the clerk of said court.
Act of 1821,
SEC, 7. And be it enacted, That the act, entitled, an act relat-
ch 229.
ing to crimes and punishments in the city of Baltimore, passed
at the session of eighteen hundred and twenty-one, chapter
two hundred and twenty nine, be, and the same is hereby
See 1794, ch 53, ante page 306.
1797, ch 90, was repealed by 1803, ch 92, which was merged, except
the 4th sec. in 1812, ch 191. See ante page 489
See 1817, ch 142, post, 'Baltimore County,' title, 'Collector and Com-
missioners of Tax '
See 1821, ch. 74, 'Baltimore County,' title same as above.
See 1821, ch 252; sec 4, ante page 1429, which provides that the law
relating to the collection of county charges, shall be applicable to the city
of Baltimore.
AN additional SUPPLEMENT to the ACT, entitled, an Act relating to the
City of Baltimore —1827, ch 80
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
sioners of
That the board of commissioners of the tax for the city of
tax abol-
Baltimore be, and the same is hereby abolished, and all the
powers lawfully exercised by, or vested in it, and all the duties
vested in
required by law to be performed by said commissioners shall be
mayor and
city council
vested in, and performed by the mayor and council of Baltimore.
Books and
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the mayor and city council
of Baltimore be, and they are herieby authorized to receive and