who shall reside within the same, in the same manner as the
public and county levies are collected ; and the said tobacco,
when so as aforesaid collected, shall be paid by such sheriffs
respectively to such trustees for the poor, or the major part of
them, as ate by this act appointed, who are hereby authorized
and required to receive and apply the same to the uses and pur-
poses herein after directed.
SEC. 3 Provided always, and be it enacted. That it shall and
may be lawful for the several and respective taxable inhabitants
within every of the said counties, to pay and discharge the
said several assessments m money, in the same manner as they
are enabled to pay and discharge the public or county levy.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted. That for the time being
the five several persons hereafter named for each county, be,
and aie hereby nominated, appointed and named, trustees for
the poor within their seveial and respective counties, and are
empowered with full and sufficient authority for discharging the
seveial offices, duties and trusts reposed 111 and required of them
by this act, within the several and respective counties wherein
they reside; that is to say, for Anne Arundel county, Messieurs
Brice Thomas Beale Worthington, Thomas Dorsey, Nicholas
Worthington, Lancelot Jacques and Upton Scott ; for Prince
George's county, Messieurs John Baynes, William Bowie,
Richard Duckett, John Fendail Beall and Nathaniel Magruder;
for Worcester county, Messieurs Parker Selby, George Hay-
waid, Peter Chaille, Lemuel Puinell and William Whittington ;
for Fredenck county, Messieurs Jonathan Wilson, Upton Shere-
dine, Thomas Bowles, Charles Beatty and William Beatty ; for
Charles county, Messieurs Samuel Hanson, junior, Robert
Mastin, John Hanson, Thomas M'Pherson and Henry Smith
Hawkins; the which persons, so nominated, appointed, autho-
rized and named, for the several and respective counties as
aforesaid, or the major part of them in case of the death or ab-
sence of any, are hereby required, with all convenient speed, to
meet at such places within their counties as to them shall seern
meet, to qualify themselves for the office of trustees for the poor
of their several and respective counties, which they are to do by
taking the several oaths appointed by law to be taken to the
government, signing the oath of abjuration, and repeating and
signing the tost, and also taking the following oath, to wit: 'I,
A B do swear, that I will duly and faithfully discharge the
duties and trusts committed to me as a trustee for the poor for
—— county, according to the best of my skill and knowledge,
and an act of assembly, entitled, an act for the relief of the poor
within the several counties therein mentioned ; so help me
GOD ; the which oaths are to be administered by any of the
four persons last named for the county to the person first