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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 1374   View pdf image (33K)
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named) or, in his absence, to any one of the three persons first


named that shall be there present, the which person, being


sworn as aforesaid, shall administer the oaths aforementioned


to all the rest, and so successively, the person first named that


shall be present shall always administer the said oaths to any


that have been absent, or shall hereafter be elected and chosen


pursuant to the directions of this act, to supply the place of any


that shall be dead, or removed out of the counties, or of any


who shall refuse or neglect to qualify and act as a trustee, when


elected and chosen pursuant to the directions of this act, and


the aforesaid persons, or the major part of them, being sworn as


aforesaid, shall be constituted and qualified as trustees for the


poor of their said county, and, as such, are hereby invested


with full power and authority, as a body politic, to plead and be


impleaded, to sue and be sued, to defend and be defended, to


answer and be answered, by the name of the Trustees for the


Poor, in all and every cause, complaint and action, real, personal


or mixt, of whatsoever kind or nature it shall be, in any of the


courts of judicature within this province, and by that name


they, and any of them, and their successors, shall, and they are


hereby enabled to take, hold, possess and enjoy, any gift, dona-


tion or present, which shall or may hereafter be given, devised


or bequeathed, by any person or persons whatsoever, to them,


or any of them, for or towards the support and maintenance of


the poor in any of the counties aforesaid ; and they, or any of


them, may receive, by way of subscription, any sum or sums of


money which shall or may be given for the better and more


speedy promoting the benefit and good by this act intended ,


and that they have full power, authority, lawful capacity and


ability, to purchase, take, hold, receive, enjoy and have, to them


and their successors for ever, any lands, tenements and heredit-


aments, not exceeding the yearly value of one thousand pounds,


of any person or persons whatsoever, and are hereby empowered


and authorized to use one common seal in their business relat-


ing to the said corporation, and the same, at then pleasure, to


change and alter, and that the said persons so incorpoiated, the


longest livers and successors of them, shall be the true, sole


and undoubted trustees, in perpetual succession for ever, to be


continued in way and manner hereafter specified, with full and


absolute power, liberty and authority, in the making and ordain-


ing such laws, orders and rules, for the better relieving, regu-


lating and setting the poor to work, and punishing vagrants,


beggars, vagabonds and other offenders, and for the good go-


vernment of the said alms and work-house in their respective


counties, as to them and their successors shall, from time to


time, seem most fit and requisite, all which shall be observed


by the overseer of such alms and work-house, and by all poor,



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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 1374   View pdf image (33K)
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