to be admitted into the same, for the purpose of making search
&c. to
as aforesaid, and if the owner or occupant shall refuse to suffer
such entry and search, it shall be lawful for such patiol, to use
all necessary force to effect the same, and in any action of tres-
pass, or other suit brought by any owner or occupant for any
entry made in virtue of this act, the defendant shall, on the
general issue plea, have liberty to give the special matter in
Penalty for
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That if any person named in such
refusing to
obey re-
requisition or patrol, on being duly notified and summoned by
such justice of the peace, or by their authority, shall neglect or
refuse to obey the same, every such person so offending, shall
be -subject to pay a fine not exceeding five dollars, nor less than
fifty cents, to be recovered as other small debts out of court
now are, by warrant in the name of the state, and the money
so arising, to be applied to the use of the commissioners ol the
school fund.
See County Commissioners, ante page 1358
AN ACT for the relief of the Poor within the seven! Counties therein
mentioned, — 1768, ch 29
WHEREAS, the necessity, number and continual increase, of
the poor within this province is very great, and exceedingly bur-
thensome, which might be greatly lessened by a due regulation
and employment of them;
Alms and
SEC. 2. Be it therefore enacted, by the right honorable the
houses to
be erected,
Lord Proprietary, by and with the advice and consent of his lord
ship's Governor , and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly ,
and the authority of the same, That there shall be an alms and
work-house elected, built and set up, in the several counties
herein after named, at convenient places therein, at the general
charge and expense of the lespective counties wheie the said
alms and woik houses shall be erected and built ; and that the
justices of the said county courts lespectively for the time being,
shall and they are hereby authorized and empoweied to assess
and levy on the taxable inhabitants of each county, at the time
of laying their respective county levy, a quantity, not exceeding
fifteen pounds of tobacco by the poll on each and every the
taxable inhabitants of their said counties, in each of the years
of our Lord seventeen hundred and sixty-eight, seventeen
hundred and sixty-nine and seventeen hundred and seventy,
together with the sheriff's salary of five per cent for collecting
the same ; which said assessments, so as aforesaid to be made
and levied, shall be collected by the several and respective
sheriffs of the said counties from the several taxable persons