the examination of the witnesses, and the hearing of the argu-
ment, cannot be concluded on the usual day of their meeting,
upon which said examination of witnesses, or said argument,
shall have commenced.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That so much of the act to regu-
late the meetings of the orphans court of Anne Arundel county,
passed at December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-one,
chapter two hundred and forty-eight, as may be inconsistent
with the provisions of this act, be, and the same is hereby re-
AN ACT to establish a Patrol in Saint Mary's, Anne Arundel, Prince
George's, and Charles Counties —1820, ch. 200.
SEC. I. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Two jus-
That from and after the passage of this law, it shall and may
tices may
issue requi-
be lawful for any justices of the peace for Saint Mary's, Anne
sition for
Arundel, Prince George's and Charles counties, upon applica-
patrol, &c.
tion by three or more judicious persons, to issue a requisition for
as many inhabitants now subject to militia duty, as they may
think necessary, not exceeding fifteen in any one company, to
be denominated a patrol, the said justices of the peace to appoint
two discreet persons of the said patrol, under whose direction
they shall proceed to make diligent search through the said
neighbourhood or district, as prescribed in the authority, for a
period of not less than four hours, nor more than eight hours,
and to disperse all unlawful and riotous assemblages of coloured
persons, and to apprehend and seize all negroes and slaves, or
persons of colour, whom they may have reason to suspect have
unlawfully absented themselves from borne, or have illegally
emigrated from another state, or are in any manner violating the
laws of this state.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
Duty of
said patrol, or as many of them as is necessary, as soon as con-
venient, to take all persons whom they may apprehend as afore-
said, before some justice of the peace for the county, for exam-
ination, and if upon a full investigation and inquiry the said
justice shall be of opinion that such person has runaway from
the service of his master, or has illegally emigrated to this state,
or has in any manner violated the laws of this state, it shall be
the duty of said justice to commit such person to the county
jail, to be dealt with according to law.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if said patrol have reason
If there is
to suspect that any runaway negro slave, or person of colour, is
reason to
suspect any
concealed or harboured in any dwelling or out-house of any
runaway to
coloured person, within their search, it shall be the duty of
be conceal-
ed in any
such patrol to demand of the owner or occupant of such house