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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
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subscription, or otherwise ; and when provided with a suitable


school-house, to certify that fact to the commissioners aforesaid,


at their ensuing regular meeting, and when satisfied by the cer-


tificate aforesaid, the commissioners aforesaid shall apportion

school fund.

the school fund of said county, to the several school districts,


in fair and just proportions ; and it shall be the duty of the


trustees to superintend the school in their respective districts.


SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the trustees so appointed,

Term of

shall serve for one year from the date of their appointment, and


until successors shall be appointed ; and in case any of said

Case of

trustees shall die, resign, refuse, or neglect to serve, or shall


remove from the district for which he or they may be appointed,


the trustees acting under this act may fill such vacancy or va-


cancies, until the next annual term of appointment by the


commissioners aforesaid.


SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That the aforesaid commissioners

One trustee

shall name one of the said trustees in each district, as treasurer

as treasurer.

for his district, who shall be fully authorized to receive from


the treasurer of the school fund for Allegany county, such sum


or sums of money, as may be apportioned to his, or their dis-


tricts, to be distributed by the trustees of the school, for the


benefit of the school as they may direct.


SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That before the said treasurers of

Oath of

schools shall receive for their disbursement, any portion of said


funds, they shall each take an oath, or make affirmation, before


a justice of the peace for said county, that he will well and truly


discharge the duties pertaining to his said office of treasurer,


without prejudice or partiality, promptly without delay, and


freely without denial ; and it shall be the further duty of each


of said treasurers to furnish at the expiration of their term of


service to the county commissioners, a correct statement, on


oath, of all monied transactions, in their said office of treasurer.


SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That as soon after the trustees

Clerk to

of school, are notified of their appointment, by the clerk of the

notify of

commissioners aforesaid (whose duty it shall be to give such


notice,) they shall give ten days' public notice to the inhabitants

Notice of

of their district, that they will meet at some central place,

meeting, to
fix site.

named in their notice, to choose and fix upon a site for a school


house, if there be none in their district, and they shall be au-

May change

thorized and empowered to change the same at any regular

the site.

meeting thereafter, if called for by the public convenience, and


shall determine on the means and mode to be adopted, in erect-

Erect new

ing a school-house in districts where no school-house exists;


And shall also at a proper time fix upon a sum of money, neces-

Fix amount

sary to be raised upon the taxable property of said school dis-

of tax to be

trict, for the purpose of providing fuel, and for paying the resi-


due of compensation to their teacher, beyond the reach of the


school fund of the county, for his yearly or half-yearly services,




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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 1349   View pdf image (33K)
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