tion in the said school districts respectively ; that every child in
the district shall be admitted into the school upon a perfect
equality, and the education of no one shall be paid for or con-
sidered as poor scholars.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said trustees shall make
return in writing to the said commissioners at their regular
annual meetings, setting forth the amount of money received by
them in their respective school districts from individual sub
scnbers, the names of such subscribers, the amount of their
subscriptions respectively, the number of scholars taught, and
the length of time occupied in the same, and the amount paid
by them for tuition, and the commissioners aforesaid shall cause
this act to be published three weeks in the newspapers in the
town of Cumberland, in the month of May next, that the
citizens of Alleganv county may have a knowledge hereof, and
thereby have it in their power to petition the commissioners of
said county for the adoption or rejection of said law, and the
cost for the printing shall be paid by the county.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall have no power
sioners to
accept this
or effect in said county, unless the same shall have been ap
law or it is
proved of by the commissioners of said county, and accepted by
them at their next annual meeting in August next, in which
And publish
event they shall give notice by publication in some newspaper
in said county, and to take all such other steps as they may
deem necessary and proper to carry this act into effect
SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That all laws of this state incon-
sistent with the provisions of this act, be, and the same are
hereby repealed.
AN ACT to provide for the Pubhc Instruction of Youth in Allegany
County —1838, ch 204
WHEREAS, the validity of an act, passed at December ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and thirty six, chapter one bundled and
six, entitled, an act to promote education in Ailegany county,
by means of the poor school fund of said county ; depended
on the decision of the county commissioners, to be declared at
the ensuing August meeting of said commissioners , And
whereas, the said commissioners did at the specified August
meeting, decide against said law, rendering all subsequent pro-
ceedings therein illegal, and of consequence, null and void;
Five trus-
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
tees to be
That it shall be the duty of the commissioners of Allegany
annually in
county, at their first regular meeting after the approval of this
each school
act, and annually thereafter, to appoint five discreet persons in
Their duty
each school district, whose duty it shall be, to provide suitable
school-houses in their respective school districts, by individual