as the trustees, or a majority of them, may deem most advisa-
To be col-
ble to make engagement; which tax to be levied upon the taxa-
lected by
the con-
ble property of said school district, predicated upon the data-of
the next approaching county assessment, to be collected in the
usual way of collecting the county tax, by the agency of a
constable in said school district, who shall be known as col-
His com-
lector of school tax, and shall receive as compensation for said
service, a commission equal to that received by the county
collector, for collecting the county tax.
Levy list.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
trustees of school, or a majority of them, to furnish to the col-
lector of school tax, a list of the names of persons so taxed,
together with the sums due by each, annexed to their respec-
tive names, and it shall be the duty of the said collector of
and pay-
ment over.
school tax, to collect and pay over monthly, to the treasurer of
said school district, all moneys so collected, and shall complete
his collection and returns, within the space of three months
from the time of receiving said list.
ment of
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That any two of the trustees of
school, or a majority of them, shall be competent to engage and
employ a teacher, for a term not less than six months, nor more
than one year ; Provided, the said applicant as teacher, shall
first have undergone an examination by, and received the writ-
ten approval of a majority of the trustees of school ; And pro-
tion limited
vided also, that the pro rata allowance of three hundred dollars
per annum, be the extent of salary given, except in the town of
Except in
Cumberland, in which place the amount of salary is hereby left
Meetings of
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That a majority of the trustees of
school, shall have power to call a meeting of the board, by giv-
ing notice thereof to each member of the board, at least one day
prior to such meeting, whenever the public good would seem to
require it.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the said board of trustees of
school, shall hold four regular meetings in each year, at the
school-house in their district, in the months of January, April,
July and October.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That nothing herein contained
shall be so construed as to debar the trustees of school, from
holding special meetings of their body at pleasure, for the pur-
pose of regulating all matters of order in the school, and all
matters of concern between the teacher and the school.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the trustees aforesaid, shall
hts duties.
elect one of their number secretary, whose duty it shall be to
attend all meetings of the trustees, and shall record all proceed-
ings had at all meetings thereof, and shall keep an account,
and make a statement to the county commissioners, at the end
of his term of service, of the affairs of the school, including a