AN ACT for the promotion of Education in Allegany County, by means
of the Poor School Fund of said County. — 1836, ch. 106.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of Allegany county, be and they are
sioners to
be appoint*
hereby authorized to appoint three commissioners of each elec-
tion district in Allegany county, whose duty it shall be, or a
majority of them, to assemble in the respective election districts
of Allegany county, at such place as they may think proper to
appoint, at as early a day as may be practicable, and then and
there proceed to divide the said election districts into a suitable
To divide '
and convenient number of school districts, having reference to
into school
the creeks, roads, and so forth, for their boundaries ; it shall be
the further duty of the commissioners aforesaid, immediately
after the formation of the school districts, in their respective
election district, to describe and number the same, and deliver
the description and number thereof, in writing, to the clerk of
and number
the same.
the commissioners of Allegany county, whose duty it shall be
to lay the same before the said commissioners of Allegany
county, at their first meeting thereafter.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That the said commissioners, as
soon as they shall be informed, according to the manner pre-
their duty.
scribed in the first section of this act, they shall proceed to ap-
point three trustees for each school district in the county, whose
duty it shall be to procure or erect school-houses in the respec-
tive school districts for which they shall have been appointed, at
or as near as can be, to the site determined upon by the com-
missioners for laying off the school districts ; and it shall be the
further duty of the said trustees, as soon as they have obtained
a school house, to inform the commissioners of Allegany county,
of the fact, in writing; it shall then be the duty of the said com-
missioners to appropriate such sum or sums of money, as in their
judgment may be necessary and proper, out of the poor school
fund of said county, to each and every school district in tho
county, for tuition only ; it shall be the further duty of the said
commissioners to appoint one of the trustees of each school dis-
trict as the treasurer thereof, to whom or to whose order, shall be
paid by the treasurer of the school fund of Allegany county, all
money or moneys that may be appropriated by the said commis-
His duty,
sioners to said schools respectively ; and it shall be the duty of
the trustees of each school district to procure and make choice
of some competent person as teacher of said schools respec-
tively ; and they shall pay said teacher so much per quarter.
year or half year, as they may be enabled to do from the amount
of money which may be allowed to their school or schools by
the said commissioners, together with such sum or sums of
money as the said trustees may be enabled to procure by indi-
vidual subscription, for the maintenance and support of educa-