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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 1344   View pdf image (33K)
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A further additional SUPPLEMENT to the ACT,* entitled, an Act relating


to the Public Roads in this State, and to repeal the Act of Assembly


therein mentioned. — 1816, ch. 85.


WHEREAS, it is represented to this general assembly, that in


Allegany county the present laws relating to the public roads


have been found inconvenient and inadequate to the purposes


for which they were intended; therefore,

Levy au-

SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,

thorized for

That the justices of the levy court of Allegany county, at their

roads in

annual meeting for the purpose of levying the public assess-


ment, shall levy, by equal assessment on the assessable pro-


perty within said county, a sum of money not exceeding fifty


cents on every hundred dollars of assessable property, to be col-


lected as other county charges are, and paid to the justices of


the levy court, or their order, and shall be applied towards


straightening, amending, and keeping in repair, the public


roads, as directed by the act to which this is an additional



Duty of

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the


supervisors, and they are hereby required, before they begin to


straighten, amend or repair, any public road within their respec-


tive districts, to give public notice, by advertisement to be set


up at the most public places in their district, in order that the


inhabitants may have an opportunity of labouring upon the said


public roads ; and it shall be the duty of the several supervi-


sors, in hiring labourers to keep in repair the public roads, to


give a preference to taxables, until they shall have laboured to


the probable amount of their road tax.


SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That any supervisor who shall be

how to be

appointed by virtue of the act to which this is an additional


supplement, shall refuse to act, or be disqualified, or die, it shall


and may be lawful for any two justices of the peace of said


county, to supply such vacancy so happening, by appointing


another suitable person, who shall give bond to the said jus-


tices, in the same manner, and under the same penalty, as if


such supervisor had been appointed by the levy court of said


county ; and the said justices shall return the bond so taken to


the clerk of the county, to be recorded, and shall certify every


such appointment, under their hands, to the clerk of the county


court, who shall receive the same, and shall forthwith issue a


warrant to the person so appointed, and deliver the same to the


sheriff, to be delivered to the party, in the same manner, and


under the same penalties, as if such appointment had been


made by the levy court.

Part of an

SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That from and after the last Mon-

act repealed

day in August next, so much of the act of assembly to which



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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 1344   View pdf image (33K)
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