this is an additional supplement, as authorizes the supervisors
of public roads in Allegany county, to summon and warn every
free able bodied male person, above the age of eighteen, to assist
in repairing the public roads, be, and is hereby repealed.
AN ACT relating to Public Roads in Allegany County.— 1837, ch. 240.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, all roads heretofore
made valid.
laid out and surveyed in Allegariy county as public roads, where
the requisitions of the existing laws have not been complied
with by the commissioners appointed so to lay out and open
said road or roads, and which have been approved of and con-
firmed by Allegany county court, be, and the same are hereby
declared valid and binding, to all intents and purposes, as if
such requisitions were fully followed and complied with as
Roads 30
regards the width and other provisions of said law, and that
feet wide.
the said road shall be considered thirty feet in width.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That all roads hereafter to be made,
Width of
laid out or surveyed, shall not be less than thirty feet, and not
more than forty feet in width, at the option of the commission-
ers ; and that such width be so returned by the said commis-
sioners appointed to lay out and survey such road or roads.
A further SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act for Licensing and
Regulating Ordinary Keepers. — 1821, ch. 238.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Court may
That upon application by petition in writing to any county
grant li-
cense on
court, by any citizen thereof, for a license to keep an ordinary
petition &c.
or to retail spirituous liquors, and the payment of the sum
chargeable upon the same, and security appearing, the court
shall be and hereby is empowered to grant the license under the
same rules and regulations as are prescribed for the granting of
licenses when personal application is made ; and the recogni-
zance entered into by the security aforesaid, with the petitioner
named therein as principal, shall be as equally binding and ob-
ligatory upon the said petitioner, as if he had been personally
present ; and the license thus granted shall be of as full force
and effect as though it had been granted in the manner hereto-
fore directed, any law or usage to the contrary notwithstanding.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That where any license has been
Heirs, &e.
or may hereafter be granted, and shall not have expired at the
to enjoy
benefit of
death of the party so obtaining the same, it shall and may be
lawful for the heirs, executors or administrators of the said party,
to enjoy all the privileges which said license conferred on the
party who obtained the same ; Provided, the said heirs, execu-
tors or administrators as the case may be, shall give to the clerk