pervisors by them appointed shall be authorized to summon o*
warn all the able bodied male persons in said county, above the
age of sixteen, to assist in repairing the public roads therein ;
and that it shall and may be lawful for every person who shall
be summoned or warned to work as aforesaid, and for every
master or mistress of servants, in lieu of working on the public
roads as aforesaid, to pay to the supervisor of their district the
sums rated or fixed by the levy court to be allowed to labourers
or hands hired to work on the road, for each and every day any
person shall be warned or summoned to work as aforesaid.
By 1808, ch. 6, the number of days not to exceed four in any one yea?,
and male persons under eighteen and above sixty years of age, are not
obliged to assist in repairing the public roads — but see 1816, ch. 85, sec. 4.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That when any person warned or
Penalty on
summoned to attend and work on the roads as aforesaid, shall
neglect so to attend by eight o'clock in the morning, or refuse
to pay as before directed, shall forfeit and be fined seventy-five
to attend.
cents, to be laid out on the roads, and may be recovered before
a justice of the peace, unless by him excused on account of
sickness or some such sufficient excuse.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That any person appointed by the
And on su-
levy court as supervisor, shall be bound to serve as such for
refusing to
one year, under the penalty of twenty dollars in case of refusal,
to be recovered before a justice of the peace and expended on
the roads.
See 1816, ch. 85, post page 1344.
A SUPPLEMENT to the ACT,* entitled, an Act to extend further the powers
of the Levy Court of Allegany County, relative to Roads in said County,
and for other purposes.— 1808, ch. 6.
No person
SEC, 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
under 18 or
That from and after the fifteenth day of August next, no male
over 60
years to be
person under the age of eighteen or over the age of sixty years,
obliged to
assist in
shall be obliged to assist in repairing the public roads in Alle-
gany county.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the levy court of Allegany
county shall not direct the supervisors of the several districts in
not to warn
such per-
said county to warn the able bodied male persons, or their mas-
ters or mistresses, as the case may be, over the age of eighteen
and under the age of sixty years, to work in repairing the roads
in said county, more than four days in any one year.
See 1816, ch. 85, post page 1344.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That all such part of the act or
Part of act*
acts of assembly heretofore passed, as are contrary to the provi-
sions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed.