AH ACT to extend the powers of the Levy Court of Allegany County,
relative to Roads in said County. — 1801, ch. 26.
PREAMBLE, sets forth the advantages anticipated from the passage of
the law.
SEC. 2. Gives to the levy court of Allegany county, the power to open
public roads. This power is transferred to the county court, by 1818,
ch, 89.
SEC. 3* See preceding note.
SEC. 4. Gave the power to the levy court to grant private roads ; and by
(he 5th section, the act of 1785, ch. 49, as to Allegany county, was repealed.
This power is now exclusively vested in the county court, by 1834, ch.253,
and by it the act of 1785, ch. 49, is repealed.
SEC. 6. Is merged in 1804, ch. 81, sec. 1.
1801, ch.
A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT,* entitled, an Act to extend the powers of the
Levy Court of Allegany County, relative to Roads in said County. —
1804, ch. 81.
Justices of
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
levy court
to direct su-
That the justices of the levy court of Allegany county, be, and
pervisors to
they are hereby authorized and empowered, to order and direct
keep public
roads in
the supervisor or supervisors of the public roads in Allegany
county, to improve, and keep in good repair, the whole or any
part of any public road or roads in said county, and to appor-
tion the money and labour to the said road or roads, or parts
thereof, as the case may be, and when such order shall be
made, the road or roads, or parts thereof, shall be kept in repair
agreeably to the provisions of the act of assembly in such case
made and provided for Allegany county; Provided nevertheless,
that if any person shall consider himself aggrieved by any such
order of the justices of the levy court, it shall and may be law-
ful for such person to appeal from any such order or determina-
tion of the justices aforesaid to the justices of the county court,
within twelve months thereafter, and the opinion of the said
county court shall be final and conclusive on the same.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act, and the original to
which this is a supplement, shall be in force until the thirtieth
day of October, in the year one thousand eight hundred and
seven, and to the end of the next session of assembly which
shall happen thereafter.
AN ACT to extend further the powers of the Levy Court of Allegany
County, relative to Roads in said County, and for other purposes.
1807, ch. 58.
Number of
days fixed
SEC. 1 . Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
for sum-
That the levy court of Allegany county shall have power, and
moning per-
sons to
they are hereby directed, annually, at their August meeting, to
work on
fix and determine upon the number of days the respective su-