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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
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account of the same before the justices of the next succeeding


levy court.


SEC. 21 . Suspends the operation of this act as to Allegany county, to 1796.


SEC. 22. This act to commence on the first Monday of March


next, and continue in force three years, and until the end of the

ment, &c.

next session of assembly which shall happen thereafter ; and


from and after the first Monday of August next, the act, enti-


tled, an act for marking of highways, and making the heads of


rivers, creeks, branches and swamps, passable, passed at Sep-


tember session, seventeen hundred and four,* and the several

* Ch. 21.

supplements thereto, and also an act, entitled, an act for repair-


ing public roads in this province,! shall cease and be void, so

1753, ch.

far as they relate to the counties within this act mentioned ; and


the act to empower the justices of Cecil county to straighten


and amend the public roads in said county, and to levy the ex-


penses attending the same on the assessable property of said


county, passed November session, seventeen hundred and


ninety-one, except so far as relates to the roads already laid


out by the commissioners of said county, shall cease to be in


force, and are hereby repealed ; Provided always, that no new


road already laid out by the justices of the levy court of Cecil


county, shall be opened through any buildings, enclosed yard,


garden or orchard, against the consent of the owner or owners




SEC. 23. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act con-

Not to alter

tained, shall extend to alter, or in any manner be construed to

laws, &c.

alter, change or repeal, an act,* entitled, an act for laying out

1787, ch.

sundry turnpike roads in Baltimore county, and the supplemen-


tary acts thereto, and so much of an act,f entitled, an act to

1790, ch.

straighten and amend the several public roads in several coun-


ties, as relates to Baltimore county, or any part thereof, or to


destroy, divert or withdraw, the funds, or any part thereof, ap-


propriated by law to the purposes in the said acts mentioned


and expressed, or in any manner to alter the roads therein men-


tioned to be straightened or laid out.


SEC. 24. And be it enacted. That all moneys arising on the

How cer-

assessable property in the town of Frederick, and its addition,

tain moneys
are to he

in Fredeiick county, in virtue of this act, shall be disposed oi

* disposed of.

as follow: One-third thereof to the public roads of the county,


the other two-thirds to be applied to the repairs of the streets


and alleys of said town, agreeably to an act,* entitled, an act to


repair and amend the streets and alleys in Fredericktown, and


for other purposes therein mentioned.


SEC. 25. And be it enacted. That an act, entitled, an act to

An act

repair the public roads in Queen Anne's county, passed Novem-


ber session, seventeen hundred and ninety-three,* shall be, and


hereby is repealed.




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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 1341   View pdf image (33K)
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