determining and collecting the same, and may appropriate and
dispose of the same when collected in any manner they may see
fit; Provided, that no regulation or by-law framed as aforesaid,
shall be contrary to or inconsistent with the constitution and
laws of this state.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the commanding officer
ers of regi-
ments on
of every regiment within this state, shall have authority and
io call the
power to call out the militia and volunteer companies under his
command, whenever application in writing shall be made to
into service.
him, by two justices of the peace of the state, suggesting the
expediency of an armed force to suppress insurrection or tumul-
tuous assemblages, or to protect the lives or property of the
citizens, and when so called out the said commanding officer
may issue any order, and take any measures which in his judg-
ment, the crisis may require.
Right to
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That every citizen above the age
join volun-
teer com-
of eighteen years, may have the right to join an uniform volun-
teer company, whether the same be formed within or out of the
regimental or company district, in which he may reside.
May order
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the commanding officer of
each regiment in this state, may call a parade or muster of the
Not over
volunteer uniform companies under his command, whenever he
three per
may see fit, not exceeding three times in the course of any one
Penalty for
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That every member of an uni-
neglect to
obey orders.
form company, including officers, who shall not attend a call as
authorized by the seventh section of this act, shall be fined a
surn not exceeding twenty, nor less than two dollars, and every
member who shall absent himself from a parade or muster, as
is authorized by the ninth section of this act, or who shall not
appear in proper equipment or dress, or who shall be guilty of
disobedience or unsoldier-like conduct on the day of parade,
shall be fined a sum not exceeding five dollars, nor less than
fifty cents.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That no uniform volunteer com-
32 members
pany now formed, or that may hereafter be formed in this state,
shall be required to consist of more than thirty-two members.
Court mar-
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That all fines authorized by this
tial fines.
act, may be determined by a court martial, to be detailed for the
purpose, by the commanding officer of the regiment, and may
be collected in the name of the state, for the use of the regi-
ment, before any justice of the peace, as other small debts are
collected ; Provided, that a certificate of a majority of the court
martial, determining and ordering the same, shall be at all times
sufficient evidence to prove the same, and ensure judgment be-
fore a justice of the peace.