AN ACT to encourage the formation of Volunteer Companies.
WHEREAS, it is the policy of this state to encourage the for-
• Preamble.
mation of uniform volunteer companies, as affording the most
prompt and efficient means to suppress insurrection and pre-
serve order and tranquility within our borders; therefore,
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Serving 7
That every citizen of the state, above the age of eighteen years,
who shall, after the passage of this law, serve seven years suc-
years as a
V. exempt
from further
cessively, in a uniform volunteer company, shall after that time,
M. duty.
be exempted from rnilitia duty, except during war or insur-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That the governor, by and with
3d lieute
the advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint and commis-
, nant and
ensign ad-
sion one third lieutenant, and one ensign, in addition to the
! ditional.
officers already provided for by law, in every company of uni-
form volunteers that may be formed in this state.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That any uniform volunteer com-
May attach
pany now formed, or that may hereafter be formed in this state,
to any regi-
ment in
shall have the right and privilege to attach itself to any regiment
the county.
it may desire, whose regimental district is in whole or in part
within the county in which such company may be formed, pro-
vided application to that effect be made in writing to the
adjutant-general of the state, and signed by not less than
a majority of the members of such company.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the adjutant-general, upon
receiving an application, such as is prescribed by the third
section of this act, shall immediately communicate the fact to
the commanding officer of the regiment to which the company
applying shall ask to be attached, who shall thereupon enrol said
company in his regiment and give notice thereof to the captain
of the company.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That every uniform volunteer com-
Subject to
pany, after it shall have been enrolled in a regiment other than
the order of
that in whose regimental district it may be formed, and notice
of regiment.
thereof shall have been given to the captain thereof, shall be
subject in all respects to the exclusive orders of the command-
ing officer of the regiment in which it shall have been so
enrolled, in the same manner as if formed within his regimental
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That a majority of the members
May make
of every uniform volunteer company now formed, or that may
hereafter be formed in this state, shall have full power and
rules and
authority to make all regulations and by-laws for their rule and
government, and shall have power to alter and change the same
at pleasure, and may impose fines and prescribe the mode of