His clerk's
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That for the current year and
thereafter, his clerk's compensation shall be such as is now
allowed by law, to a single clerk in the service of the state's
tobacco inspection in Baltimore.
Sec. 13, of
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the thirteenth section of the
act of 1835,
ch. 395,
act of eighteen hundred and thirty-five, chapter three hundred
and ninety-five, shall be and the same is hereby repealed ;
Provided nevertheless, that the revenue of every description
annually to be received into the treasury, from all or either of
the companies charged with the construction of the works, for
the execution of which the debt by the said act was intended
to be incurred, shall be applied by the treasurer to the payment,
first of the interest payable upon the whole debt of the state,
and that the excess of such revenue in any year, above the
interest for the year upon the said public debt, shall be carried
by the treasurer to the state's sinking fund, if in the judgment
of the said treasurer the said fund shall at any time require
such augmentation, to make it fully adequate to the redemption
of the entire debt of the state, by the time it may be redeemed
Faith of
in pursuance of the law by which it was created ; and the faith
the state
of the state is hereby inviolably pledged, to keep the said sink-
ing fund subsisting, and in umnteirupted operation, until the
redemption of the whole debt of the state, shall have been
accomplished by the regular compounding of the said sinking
AN ACT to prevent Betting on Elections in the State of Maryland.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act it shall not be law-
ful for any person or persons to make any bet or wager on the
result of any election or elections to take place iu this state ;
and any person or persons offending against this act shall be
liable to indictment in the county courts of this state, if the
Penalty for
offence be commuted in any county, and iu Baltimore city
court if the offence be committed iu Baltimore city, and on
conviction thereof, shall be fined a sum not less than fifty dol-
lars, nor more than five hundred dollars, to be collected as other
Fines to the
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all fines collected under this
school fund.
act shall be paid to the treasurer of the western shore for the
benefit of the school fund of the state.
of bets
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That every deposite of money
hereafter in any part of the state as a wager or bet upon elec-
tions in this state or elsewhere, shall be forfeited and paid over
To primary
school fund.
to the levy courts or county commissioners of the county, for
the use of primary schools in said county.